I think one thing that people are ignoring is that if you don’t have enough paladins in your raid to cover all of the blessings/auras, bringing a ret paladin would add that additional buff/aura.
Also I’d like to point out that a Classic Youtuber did a video on the top 20~ DPS for each class in BWL patch on private servers, now I know that the data isn’t 100%, but I’d imagine it is pretty close to what we will see.
Here are the top DPS for each class:
Druid - 563
Hunter - 530
Mage - 592
Rogue - 690
Warlock - 637
Warrior - 907
Those prior numbers were the TOP parse. However the average is much lower than those.
So you’re saying, that druid player at 563 DPS wouldn’t be allowed in groups even though he performs better than nearly every class average.
This comes down to bring the player not the class. Which is true in Classic. You could be playing a fury warrior, but just raidlog. Whereas that ret player could be doing everything they can possibly do the squeeze out every digit of DPS.
There are ret paladins who raided and cleared content in Naxx in 2006. Being a “meme” spec didn’t stop them then and it won’t stop them now.
I think the main point that needs to be stressed is this. Ret paladin/ Balance Druid/ Elemental shaman…whatever class you want to play in a way that isn’t “approved” by the community is totally doable. Why? Because, despite what people on this forum like to think, not everyone is going to be clearing Naxx.
Everyone keeps saying on here, oh well I won’t invite a ret paladin. Yeah, but are you going to be in bleeding edge content? Are you going to be clocking 16+ hours a day on this game? No? So, while you’re still running around trying to get your pre-raid gear, that “meme spec” no lifer already did that. They’re on the farming consumables, which you cannot do, since you’re farming pre-raid.
Then Molten Core comes out. And they come in stacked with pre-raid best in slot, they come in stacked with consumables and then while you make fun of them for playing a bad spec, they’re doing better than you on the meters because they have better gear than you.
Everyone always laughs at the ret paladin or the balance druid until they get outperformed by one. Ret paladins may not be “optimal” but they are certainly “viable” if you put in the time to the character.