Ret or Havoc?

I cant decide between the two.

Is havoc pretty awesome right now?

Havoc is… OK right now. Lower third of the pack in single target. They’re decent in m+ as they bring a lot of instant aoe burst but not a meta pick. PvP they can do decent with a good comp, such as running with a healer in 2s, but they are quite squishy especially if you’re caught in a stun.

The one thing that made me decide to play havoc over ret though was that they are just more fun. The abilities feel impactful, I love dashing all over the place, and the theme fits me better than a paladin. Havoc can be decent but you won’t be OP in any aspect of end game play.


I would take havoc any day over ret. Ret is about your burst window once thats over you hit like wet noodle. At least in my experience havoc has more consistent dmg not reliant on burst windows.

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Also no combo points. Don’t get me wrong i love the paladin theme but combo points infecting the whole class and the limitations of the class, yea no havoc is funner to me than ret. And i am killing faster than my ret at the same ilvl

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I don’t mind the combo points so much but the rotation feels off somehow, but I can’t quite place my finger on it lol.

To me it depends on what you took for talents the setup can be frustrating especially if you miss one ability your burst window is messed up and then you have to wait for the next window and your numbers have tanked.

I think the hunt as gimmicky as it seems is rather enjoyable instant 12k at my ilevel. Unbound takes getting used to but I’m not a fan of the demons blade talent I feel fury starved when using it.

It might not be meta build but I don’t like demons blade fel blade build. I’m sure it’s loads better for single target though.

I am going into the eyebeam build. That seems like a strong choice. I do not have a leggo but i can say with my build i am killing aoe and st faster than my ret paladin which is right at the same ilvl. Also both my pala and dh are Kyrian. The soul shards from the seal help a lot. Especially as i am getting into tanking and dps.

Ret is legit no brainer at the moment, 2nd most OP just after Boomkin

those 40k to 50k crits are ridiculous, I wouldn’t be surprised if Pallys and Druids are in due for the nerf bat

Lol 40-50k crit? Ive never saw that then again my pally is only like 210 ilevel.

Final Verdict literally hits for 35k without proper usage, if you are not hitting these damage marks you’re playing it wrong

Strong is the troll.

I have both, around 204 I.L. or so. Fun is obviously subjective, but I find DH overall more fun. It’s “fast” has good utility, and although he DMG isn’t crazy like ret (same with healing) you aren’t AS reliant on CDs to win IMO. Now I’m just talking bgs and low-rated 2’s.

Also, you can’t beat the mobility of DH. If you have a good healer in 2’s, like a really good resto druid, you could probably go far.

When I play my retribution paladin I feel sooo slow, and people just run from wings. Now when you do catch them in a stun with no trinket, it’s devastating for them, sure. But if I’m playing with a healer, I have more fun with DH. Plus, DH has a Mortal strike effect.

If we are talking Mythic +, I still prefer Demon Hunter. The AOE feels more fun, the builds feel more dynamic, and to me ret just feels soooo bad outside of cd’s.

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They might not be talking pvp, and in pve ret is lackluster even if it slaps in pvp.

lol says the Pally main