Ret nerf when?

most unfun thing is finding windows locking down a warrior and weaving between all their peels and punching into dstance/ignore pain/die etc is finding them still do comparable damage even if they sit dstance and are irrelevent for extended periods.

The extensive denials they have if they goof up on a bunch of them because they have a surplus gets to me.

This is a buff outlaw post

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Hot take. I don’t care as much about ret damage/burst/healing nearly as much as I do about double unpurgeable freedom and sanctuary. Gimme those pvp talents, please!

you say really weird things.

Did you guys ever notice that the word rapier can be used as both a noun and a comparitive adjective? Crazy.

uh…should we tell him?

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Explain how anything melee is hunter. Survival in its current state is disgusting. If I wanted to play melee I’d go play arms, or ret which is broken damage

Your attitudes pretty bad. Look I get it’s frustrating to get clapped on with the shadowlands cheese some classes have, but your refusing to improve and putting all the blame on certain classes instead of owning up to your mistakes and the fact you can improve and actually handle them.

Also lets not pretend hunter damage isn’t disgusting regardless of the spec, you can complain about rets all you want but you should always farm them on any hunter spec. Stop making excuses and stop being toxic.

If you think survival is “melee” in pvp you’re an idiot.


Seen a paladin in rival gear was hitting people for 40k+. Yea totally doesn’t need a nerf or anything. Not defending the fact Hunters can hit almost as hard with back to back aimed shots though.


I got hit by a 21k final verdict and then 22k worth of instant judgements from divine toll


Crits should be quadrupled vers every hunter.

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Quit whining. Seriously. Arms warriors and many other classes are a much bigger problem than hunters. There are classes that outdamage us by alot too. I bet you weren’t one that was advocating for hunter buffs when our spec was the worst in the game at the beginning of SL were you? Probably not cause ur a hunter hater, specifically BM. You guys are never happy unless ur class is on top. Priests are broken too btw get used to that fact.

calm down sir. Your spec needs nerfs. Just because you’re terrible at it doesn’t mean it isn’t busted.

Imagine thinking disc is broken rofl

in 9.2 kyrian ret won’t be as good as it is now, because the kyrian legendary is only used for more interrupts in M+. So problem solved. They will re-roll hunter or warrior.

Because disc is broken ur just garbage at it so you make it look bad. SIR.

Bahaha you’re an idiot… no wonder you’re hard stuck playing the most busted spec in 2s

u guys shold nerf ret and war

Should buff other synergies between specs to be honest

but yea, warrior swiss army knife could use a look at

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I agree, ret seems fine to me.