Ret nerf when?

Vendes Jr., you need to calm down.

What did you say you over sized pez dispenser?

Numb is gunna summon Amatox with all this complaining he’s doing rn.

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Who’s complaining? I’m not. Are you okay?

You sound offended, that’s another way to summon him.

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Yo he is vendes Junior. Vendes plays at a higher cr

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Nice try but think he’s mia on ban Island lol

It’s true, but he’ll be back soon.


:+1: sounds good

You disgust me. I have no queen but the Lady Herself, heretic.

Also remove that one talent for ret, can’t even remember what it’s called… the one where you lose ALL of your healing when you take it and instead return my DAMN SACRED SHIELD IDITOST

Weird thing to say since Surv was insane in BFA S1 and S4 and not bad in S2 or S3. BM has been S+++++++++++++++++++ tier all of this xpac now for now reason. Maybe you’re just not that great at hunter.


Ret doesn’t really need a nerf, they need to tune how everything interacts. If you can mess up a Ret’s set up, then their burst window gets taken down to a decent margin. Hunters have been pretty strong since Legion at least. Maybe not like S+ tier like they are now, but still up there in strength. If you can’t see that, then that’s on you.

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No class needs nerfs except warrior and even then only a 10-20% dmg nerf is fine.

What really needs nerfs is healing from any class/spec that isn’t a healer. Stuff needs to die

war dont need a damage nerf, it needs a shuffle in their tools cd.


This is like an echo of past classes that were “op” and blamed it on other classes.

I played arms warrior and they do need a nerf. No reason I should be doing top damage every game with a 50% MS to top it off. If arms didn’t have sharpen, then I’d agree they don’t need nerf. Warrior utility is fine, and existed in past expansions.

Like imagine if ret had 50% MS on top of their burst :grimacing:

Just because your 10th alt is a warrior (which you haven’t even q’d this season) doesn’t mean you “played arms warrior”

Yeah our damage is good, it’s not as good as ret’s. A good ret should beat you in damage every single time.

Warrior utility is the issue, although if I’m honest we shouldn’t be nerfing utility but giving other classes utility to compensate.


I qued arms warrior from 0>1800 in 2 hours then farmed BGs to upgrade my gear, then never logged on it again. This was season 1 this expac. It was absolutely disgusting how strong sweeping strikes is. Just cleaving teams down with single target rotation, then sharpen blade both enemies when they’re at sub 40-50%.

“A good ret” is funny tho. Top players say there’s no difference between a 2k ret and 2.7k+ that they noticed.

But yeah bro. 30k+ executes into sharpen blade. Utility issue for sure :wink:

There’s def a difference between a bad ret and a good ret, only an idiot would say otherwise idgaf what the “top players” say just because they’re ignorant doesn’t mean you have to be as well. Learn to speak from experience not just parroting what others say. “All of what you see, none of what you hear”.

As far as the 30k executes, yeah the executes are a big much bit it’s not like we don’t have other classes doing that sort of damage too like WW monk, Rets, Boomies, Demo Locks, Affi locks need I go on?

Sure war is strong but it’ll just be the next class on the “OP” list that people will complain about which will either be ret or ww monk imo.


This is my thoughts as well. Nerfing things to be unplayable is stupid. Much better to just give other classes tools to narrow the gap. Anything to avoid aiding the meta into dampening.