Restoring on a locked server

How am I able to restore my level 60 paladin on Faerlina to move to a different realm if I can’t restore because I don’t have any characters on the realm anymore. How can I play that character if I can’t restore it?

You have to wait for the server to be unlocked

submit ticket and wait 21 days for a reply

Submit a ticket. It took about 3 days or so to get a response but they restored my character without it affecting the restore character CD so I was able to restore 2 toons instead of 1. It was a pretty kind gesture. They will definitely take care of you :slight_smile:

3 days? How did you get so lucky? I know someone with an open ticket and today is day 9 with no response.

I accidentally somehow opened a ticket with nothing in the message (blank ticket) and I got a respond the same day lmao. Of course when I have a real issue, 9 days sounds about right.

Do you have a character on Faerlina still? As per this article, it’s intended.

If others are saying support helped them try that though.

Wrath Classic Realms Eligible for Character Creation and Transfers - Blizzard Support (

Common Problems

I cannot transfer to the server of my friends. Error: *“The selected realm is not accepting character transfers at this time.”
I cannot undelete my character. Error: "There was a problem restoring your deleted character. Please try again later.
I cannot create a character on the realm of my choice. Error: “Only players who already have characters on this realm are currently allowed to create characters.”

I opened a ticket as well but was told no, they can’t do anything for me.

Grats to you though!

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