Resto Shaman LF AoTC focused home


Returning player for SL looking for a new home. Though my experience has varied over the last few expansions due to many things
(RL, burnout,etc), I am really hoping to find a guild that has a small tight knit raid group that is primarily AOTC focused to reestablish my love for raiding in this game.

I have played since Vanilla, and primarily all that time has been as a healer and have long considered R Shaman to be my forte, though have experience on all healer classes.

Not looking for a super serious guild though I do like downing content in a relaxed but efficient pace based on fairly comparable skill base in the group, and as mentioned I do prefer raid groups that keep the raid size fairly small for multiple reasons. Additionally, a primary guild makeup of mature working individuals is preferred, I myself am in my mid 30s.

Most days are open, though raid times on weeknights would need to wrap up by about 10cst at the latest (starting anytime after 5pm cst). No more than 2 main raid nights a week. I also really enjoy pushing keys, so a guild liking to and needing a healer to push keys is important.

Somewhat lean towards wanting to stay horde but could be convinced given the proper opportunity.

Please add me or drop a line, would enjoy hearing and chatting more
bnet: Theaftermax#1250

Hey there Fluidized,

Ill drop out TLDR spam below and if you are interested hit us up!

Hello, I’m with Click to Move on Stormrage, we are a AOTC and Mythic+ focused group. A little about us: We created the guild in 2018 at the start of BFA and our core is made up of Vanilla / BC players. Just looking for few new like minded people, adults with live and priorities but that still can focus on wow with certain expectations. We raid Fri / Sat 7 - 10pm and tend to run Mythic+ during the weekdays. Super helpful people that tend to hang on voice comms while playing.

Please message me on if you have any questions for us. Tried adding you on discord but the name didnt work.

CrysTalis#1961 - BNET

CrysTalis#3723 - Discord

Hey Fluidized! Our guild, Grey Horse Army (Alliance, I know…) on Turalyon would love to have you! We are a newer community of adults with lives who enjoy having fun! We do fun guild activities as well as regular content. Our raid team is still building, but we’re aiming for 12-16 total. We will be doing AOTC with no plan to push into mythic. The intention is to reach AOTC but in a way that doesn’t make the game too serious or burn us out. If you’d like to know more, you can reach me at Thistlebloom#1316

Still looking for the right home!