Resto PVP Dps

In 2’s I am trying out PVP on occasion with a Rogue Friend. Not for anything serious rating wise. We are still trying to figure things out, sometimes Im Feral, sometimes Im Resto. I think resto is the way to go with this option, but a lot of our matches are drawn out much longer then I would like. I think I need more practice and figure out how to throw out more DPS to make things quicker. Generally I am CC’ing the off target, while keeping Hots rolling. I through out Moonfire/Sunfire/Wraith when I can, but that doesn’t feel impactful at all.

Typically I use Guardian, for the Stun/Incap and damage reduction. But would it be seriously bad idea if I went Balance Aff? If nothing more then to make my convoke stronger?

I think 2s can work with a rogue if you’re nightfae and can farm defensive from the other team until you ultimately win with a convoke, but you have to be careful not to DR stuns when you play with a rogue.

I am by no means an arena expert, so take this with a grain of salt. My experience has been that Guardian Affinity is pretty clutch for surviving against a double DPS team’s burst. Against a DPS and healer team, Balance Affinity is more viable.

resto feral for 2s kittyweave to your hearts content

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Kitty weave with feral aff/master shape/deep focus leggo/ heart of the wild (if you run with a warrior or a ret bc stun drs). Just weave in rake stun/moon/sunfire and get 2-3 combo points depending on rake stun duration and how close the enemy dps is to you. Once you hit 5 CP, put rip on the healer and apply all other dots, then adaptive swarm. This 100% will extract a def cd, specially if your dps hard switch’s and you cyclone the dps for a little 2v1. Then reset, and rinse repeat. It’s the most fun I’ve had in 2s since like tbc tbh. My Druid is only 200ilvl so far as it’s an alt and I’ve been having so much fun playing like this. Bonus points if you use a warlock bc you get infinite resets with sacrolash leggo bc no one can keep up with you.

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Markers has a couple videos out now explaining what balance affinity is good into and why should check it out on youtube. If your convoke then you could probably set up some cheesy wins with heart of the wild

He switched to feral right? He’s been using the feral/adaptive swarm/deep focus/master shift build and just playing like a rogue with heals.

You can change gear / talents before a match depending on what your facing and what playstyle you think will win you the game or atleast perform better

Yeah but he’s running necro now. At least all of his most current videos are necro/feral. The boomy meme videos were when he played NF. And his character is necro in wow armory.

You dont need convoke to play balance affinity he swapped to necro after the buff because its overall better now. I was just saying before if you wanted to play balance affinity that if you were night fae you could win games by using heart of the wild convoke. He has a somewhat recent video up with him playing balance aff and being necro also if you didnt see

I love me some Resto kitty, but I’m not sure it’s the best option for arenas. As a Druid, our best defense is our ability to avoid damage altogether. Voluntarily putting ourselves in the thick of it just seems counterproductive. Maybe it’s good against certain team comps, and I’m sure players better than I am (it’s not a high bar) can make it work, but as much as I wish it was otherwise, I found that Balance Affinity was a better damage option.