Resto or Balance/Feral Druid LF Guild


I’m a returning player, as in started playing last week, and I’m looking to get back into raiding. I’m currently at 370 ilvl w/ 2 pieces, but I plan to crank out a bunch of keys this weekend to get some more gear.

I would prefer to raid as Resto, but I’m not opposed to raiding as either Balance or Feral. I do have SL experiencing, but I took a break after becoming a new dad to adjust. Now that I have a feel for everything, I’d like to continue raiding.

If interested, please leave a post here or add my discord Otis#1769.


Hey Nfm,

You should check out Pandas with Headsets on Area 52 horde. We’re an LGBTQ guild, 18+ looking for anyone who is okay with the LGBTQ community, mature & has a good sense of humor. We are not try hards. We raid, for fun! The guild is primarily a casual guild… that raids… FOR FUN! We also do MANY fun social events IN & out of game! If this sounds good to you, please HMU via discord: wigglehugs#6738

Discord sent.

Hello! You’re exactly what we’re looking for! Please take a look over our post to ensure we’d be a good fit and shoot me a message on discord!

Hey there,

Midnight Mutiny is on Sargeras. We are always looking for late night gamers! Not sure what time you have available but here is our info.

Our raid times are
10:30pm - 1:30am PST (1:30am - 4:30am EST)

We currently are 2/8 mythic and are making progress on the 3rd mythic boss of VoTI raid.

BTag: Fhatee#1821 or Discord: fhatee#7914

Hey dad and congratulations!
Semi Retired is a raiding and m+ focused guild on Area 52 looking to build up our roster to push into mythic raiding for upcoming Patch 10.1! Our goal is to create an active, inclusive m+ community to strengthen our forces and teamwork so when Aberrus is open we go in ready to push hard.

We’re looking for more people like the people we have now: People who want to engage and do things together. People who are looking to be apart of the guild, not just use the guild to achieve their individual goals only. People should have goals and we want the guild to help people get them, but we also want people who will then turn around and help others to achieve theirs.

The currect raid schedule is Tuesday/Wednesday 9-12 EST. M+ is run throughout the week and we do anywhere from +2s for valor and alts to higher keys pushing to KSH.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, reach out to talk to one of our officers. Add us on:
Xrusader (Guild Master) - BNet: silver9172#11607 - Discord: Xarali#6374
Akeychi (Officer) - Bnet: Rusams#1495 - Discord: Akeychi#1141

Hello there Nfm!
After reading your post I just wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family to see if you might be interested in learning more about us. We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We have 2 progression teams to choose from! (Raid times for our teams are in the link I’m including)
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great nightót-late-night-heroic-aotc-progression-team-68h-recruiting-tanks-heals/1290929

Hi there, if you haven’t found a home yet please take a few seconds to look at our post and see if we are a good fit. Best of luck on your search!
[H-Thrall] AotC guild (8/8H) T/Th 9-11:30pm EST - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (

Guild & Server: [H][Area 52]
Raid Times/Days: Fridays and Saturdays from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. est(5-7pm PST, CT 7-9pm)
Current Progression: 8/8 N 5/8H
Recruitment Contacts: Mooney#12761 Btag, Mooney#4629 Disc
Requirements: Must always strive to improve and move forward, were LF people to flow with the content rather than fall behind. Be on time, respectful, and willing to learn. This is a casual prog team all for fun and games no egos.
Needs: We have openings for the following spots:
HPS:druild/monk/or shammy, DPS:any, Tank:dk/dh

If you want to check our logs you can view them on guildsofwow website we post them every week

I’ll throw our guild in there. We raid once a week on Saturday at 8am est. as a dad myself this has been the only times I’m able to grab a few hours alone and uninterrupted. If this interests you we can chat more. Ruqua#1111 on bnet and Ruqua#9062 on discord

Hi nfm!

Chaos and Order (3/8 M VotI) is currently looking to bolster our roster. You don’t need to be on our server or in our guild to raid with us and off-meta specs are welcome if you can play them well. We are currently progging Mythic Sennarth which shouldn’t be too bad considering we 3 shot Terros last week! (

BTag: Deadlift#1353
Discord: Deadlift#4338

T & Th: 8:30-11:30 Eastern

If you’re not on the server but are interested in joining you could join on a fresh alt to see if you mesh with us. We’re currently mostly focused on raids and M+ but we’re also looking for people who want to do rated PvP and other general social activities so you definitely don’t need to raid to join us and we’re happy to help anyone improve their gameplay if they are looking for some suggestions!