I got around to Beta playing last night. I was soooo pumped about the prospect of Farseer, and then when i got to playing it, i was like, meh. Not to say that its bad. Im sure in M+ Farseer is going to absolutely pump. But the ancestor visuals just feel so lacking. I am glad they mostly match our toon.
I tried both Ele and Enh too. Unfortunately, as a long time Shaman player, after testing all the paladin hero talents, I felt like i was having more fun, especially with Herald Hpal and Templar Ret.
Also, I tried Colossus for Warrior. Demolish with 10 stacks of colossal might absolutely stomps.
Feels a little like a blog post or a journal entry.
But yes, the community is in nearly unanimous agreement that Farseer Ancestors look stupid - they don’t even actually cast. Ascendance is an extremely out-dated model. Shocks have no real visual still. Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst feel like 11 year old visuals now. Shaman have been unhappy with our aesthetics for a long time, while Demonology Warlocks and Fire Mages get a plethora of awesome new visuals for TWW. Common sentiment.
Shaman will likely be quite alright in TWW. Stormkeeper Ele looks absolutely fantastic in Mythic+ and Farseer Ele, albeit unidimensional, looks quite competitive in raid single target. Both the Totemic Chain Heal and Farseer Healing Wave builds look extremely strong for raiding AND mythic+ and may even end up, once again, meta for rated PvP.
Enhancement is feeling a bit left behind, but isn’t that expected at this point? Enhance, Survival and Feral are pretty forgotten specs in general.
If you’re having more fun on your Paladin, go play that, although I’m not sure why you felt the need to announce it here first.
Farseer Resto might see play in high Mythic Plus once people figure out optimized builds and some of its talents are quite good but overall Totemic is just better and having such control over “Healing Rain” is phenomenal and the Hero Tree for Totemic is just very, very strong.
Outside of the visuals, I’m very much looking forward to Resto in TWW. Enough so that both of my healers may be my resto shaman. Farseer should be pretty darn good in PvP. With both being good for PvE.
My problem with Farseer is that it’s basically a worse version of Druid’s Grove Guardians in every way. The treants are just more active and flexible in how they are used, whereas Farseer needs certain conditions and set up.
True. But its not a direct comp anyways. And with riptide spawning them at a 15% proc rate, with lower CD riptide, and an extra charge. Plus unleash life guaranteeing a spawn, plus a 30 second ancestral swiftness also spawning one, and the chance to spawn one when one fades, they will be plentiful. In fact, even with 0 luck at all you will have one at all times with unleash life and swiftness.
Guess so. Treats proc similarly during treeforms, just on a timer.
I’d still rather have them as a separate button because it can promote inefficient healing when ancestors are tied to other healing buttons. But they can’t just straight up copy Grove Guardians … I suppose, even if a three charges / no GCD button is really satisfying.