Resto Druid/Havoc DH LF Home (Late Night/Weekend)

Hello hello,
Aiming to find a new home for myself! I am still a “returning” player - aka I played some in Season 1 and am finally getting back into WoW in Season 3, reaching KSM on these two toons.
Essentially, all I am hoping for is a fun guild focused on getting better and getting up in the ranks. Raiding is difficult given my work schedule (Tue-Fri 1130am-10pm Central) but I love M+ and am wanting to properly push.
To boot, I am also working on properly learning tanking on a BDK, so hopefully will be able to fill all 3 roles if necessary as time progresses and experience is gained.
Little history: Raided in Cata/Pandaria on a resto druid, did the same in Legion for a small amount of time, and then basically took off until Pre-Patch Dragonflight, grinded out KSM real quick on my DH, and then stopped playing shortly thereafter due to not having a guild to call home nor a group of friends that pushed me to keep playing and enjoying the game.

Hope to see you all soon :slight_smile:

Hi Braydh. It sounds like you would be a great fit for my new guild, <Murloc with a Glock>! We’re currently recruiting for S4 and War Within, and do all kinds of content, including lots of M+ like you mentioned. We have a mix of newer and older players, including some people that are returning like you. Our community is very friendly and we enjoy hanging out with each other and new people both in and out of game.

Definitely get in touch and let me know what you think!

Info dump ------

We raid Friday and Saturday from 7:30 to 10 pm CST.

You can reach me for any questions or to apply here:

Bnet: Astro#18157

Discord: mwgastro

And you can read our full posting here:

That’s a tough schedule for raiding, for sure! I’m not sure if my guild (Fallout, on Turalyon) is for you, but we’d love to have you for Saturday night drunk alt normal raids! 8pm CST, bring whatever toon you want. If you like us and want to stick around, we’d be happy to have you in the guild!

We don’t actively do a ton of M+. I do, but I’m the anomaly. We are trying to start up Mythic Mondays to help guildies get keys done for the week, so if you’re looking to get back into the game, it sounds like our casual play days might fit your schedule.

The guild is long-established (10+ years), and a community as well with other games (currently BG3, Ark, and D3/4). We also do an annual guild meetup IRL for anyone interested! Past adventures have included Schlitterbahn, Universal Studios, and NC Renaissance Festival.

Feel free to message me with any questions! Synthesize#1822

Unfortunately sounds like it won’t be a match at this time, but maybe in the future :slight_smile: Thanks for the information though!

Hi Braydh
Midnight Mutiny is on Sargeras. We are always looking for late night gamers!

Our aotc focused group raids on Thursday
10:30pm - 1:30am PST (1:30am - 4:30am EST)

This raid is full of casual mains but also some alts from our mythic team. We are a fun, friendly bunch and would love to have you if it is a good fit.

BTag: Fhatee#1821 or Discord: fhatee