Resto Druid LF New Guild for end of S4/TWW

Hello everyone!

Just looking for a new guild - willing to realm transfer for doing so! I main a resto druid, which I’ve done for a long time. I would like to find a guild that has a good community focused on M+ and raiding. I didn’t really raid this xpac due to time constraints with work (struggled to find a late night guild) so I just raided with some friends on off days thru PUGS or a guild that one of my best friends is in.
I’ve maintained KSM every season I’ve played and enjoyed pushing keys on all toons (yet to really tank, but not the point) that I have. I am open to playing dps classes as well if that is what is necessary.
I would like a night-time guild (I work until 9PM EST 4 days/week) if at all possible, but if the guild is mostly centric around M+ outside of raid nights I can’t attend, it’s no problem to me at all.
I like to hang out in discord as well but open to pretty much anything! Feel free to add me on bnet (PapaFromage#1899) to talk more!

Hey there! Not too sure if our times work for you or not, but we raid at more of a West- Coast centric time that has worked well for a few east coasters who get off work on the late side. Always feel free to get in touch if you have any questions!

We’re on US-Mal`Ganis with Tuesday/Thursday Raid Nights @ 8:00PM-11:00PM (PDT) focused on efficient AOTC clears every tier and Seasonal Mythic+ content.

We’re a newer guild that formed in the last 30 days of Dragonflight Season 3, but we have been able to achieve some early milestones. Tribal squeaked out a last minute AOTC in Amirdrassil just before S3 closed with a group of raiders who had met each other days/weeks prior. In S4 we have finished off Awakened Heroic clears in all 3 raids and have moved on to more casual alt runs for the remainder of the season. Right now we’re looking to bring new faces on-board as we continue to develop our raid roster prior to TWW launch and would be thrilled if you wanted to come along for the ride.

Feel free to join our Discord to see a little more about what we have going on. I’m always happy to answer any questions that you may have about the guild! Our Discord is


  • Discord: Nyborg7782
  • BNet: Nyborg#1483

Our Full Recruitment Post can be found below:

Plagued is recruiting. We will be raiding Tuesday and Friday 9 to 12 PST (will change 9 to 12 mst come DST) Tons of raid experience and great leadership. Weve been around since Vanilla and recently came back to the game.

Looking for heals and dps. We love running keys too. Fresh Guild for a fresh start come TWW. Message me if you would like to chat more.

Peyo#1247 on BN
peyotie on Discord

Hi! I’m not sure if our times work well or if we could maybe work something out with you, but if you’d like to chat about this here’s our spiel:

Hey Porritera,
We are currently looking for players! Let us know if you’re interested!

About Us

We are a medium sized community and last summer we celebrated our 11th year! If you are a laid back, chilled-out person then you are most welcome. We have folks that range from the casual (just learning) to the (fairly sweaty) hardcore gamers. The difference is, our skilled players help folks out(when they can) and never look down on those who might not have the same skillsets. Our main community has been supported for a long time with World of Warcraft, but we do play other games; Lost Ark, Minecraft, etc…

Ex Inferno has 8 raid teams, as well a M+ team and a PVP team with various times and schedules. There is also a community raid every Saturday that anyone in the community can attend and have fun!

Team Yellow is Looking for Members!

Team Yellow is one of the newest raid teams here at Ex Inferno. Currently the team’s goals for S1 in TWW is to achieve AOTC and push into Mythic as far as possible. As the team is established, a larger focus on Mythic content will be enforced. Players with like-minded attitudes, a desire to push harder content while also having a lively and enthusiastic approach to raiding are welcome to join our adventure.

Tuesday/Wednesday from 8:00pm EST to 11pm EST
Short raid time, so you’ll need to be @ the raid entrance and ready to pull.

Tanks: Closed
MDPS: Open
RDPS: Open
Heals: Open - Holy Paladin/Pres/MW

Contact Info

If you are interested, please contact me directly at: Bootycutie or Bootypatooty#11268

There is a brief voice interview required.

Hope to see you around!

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: After reading your post, I think you might be a great fit to our little family! We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!!