Resto Druid 4pc Bugged

It heals for alot less then original wrath and only heals every other rejuv.

Come on, this is unfair, disc priest shield heal for alot more and can CRIT.


It should be value of the tick.
So roughly 1.5-1.7k
On every cast.

Is this what you getting?
(im resto druid so its crucial to me)

I was seeing people post their ticks from Warcraft Logs around 800-900. Which is absolute garbage seeing that 2 of the tier pieces give crit. And it literally only procs every other cast. Which is even worse (a bug). I wouldn’t be complaining as much if my guild didn’t do a loot sheet pre - release of Ulduar, so now I’m stuck with getting tier as prio. I would have just gott the better haste pieces and go Thic Resto If I knew this was so completely garbage. Plus the 4pc mechanic looks like a real fun game changer. I wish they would fix it. It’s suppose to hit every cast for at least 1500 and scale with SP. That’s how it was.


PLEASE help out your resto druid friends by continuing to bump the bug thread so Blizzard can see the community wants to see this major bug fixed.

They already screwed rdruid enough with not fixing WG to be working like other smart heals like chain heal, so please help us elevate our voices!


Post it in the bug report forum as well.

it is in what I linked above. its the wow classic Bug forum, and have reported it in game too

There better be a reddit post too for more visibility.

Inb4 confirmed as not a bug. Deal with it trees.

Just like wild growth

The in-between heals go directly to pets, just like Wild Growth.

“Working as intended” - small indie company

wRaTh iS tHe bEsT xPaC

This is exactly what they are gonna say to avoid doing any work…

Elitist Jerks hypothesized why it doesn’t hit for full amount of a rejuv tick. But still without all that It should only heal roughly 300 less than a rejuv tick min current gear. Not 800 healing. Holy priest renew hits for way more.

“…proc is not benefitting from Genesis, Improved Rejuvenation, or Gift of Nature. It is benefitting from Empowered Rejuvenation, Master Shapeshifter, and Tree of Life.”

Already Resto druids are one of the worse healers in Uld. Some fights they are god mode. but mostly they are just dead weight. If it wasn’t for their Revitilize and a good off-spec they would be completely useless in most fights. Priest does everything druid does but better. Holy and Disc.

Please fix Resto druids Blizz, make them actually competent in fights. just make tier work properly.

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Bump for obvious reason.

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