Rest in Peace Reckful

How wonderful it must be for you that all your problems have such a clear solution.

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You’re wrong, happiness is a state of mind.

People who are rich have killed themselves, according to you that should be impossible, since they have money.

Chester Bennington was rich, but he committed suicide.

Reckful was rich but he committed suicide.

I’m sure there are plenty more, depression doesn’t let you be happy even if you have what others may not. Mental illness is no joke.

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I have no idea who this person is, as I don’t follow streamers. That said I clicked on one of the links above (variety) and came away with yet more hatred toward twitter. When did “news” become “so and so tweeted THIS, and whatsherface tweeted THIS, and the reaction from thisotherperson was expressed in THIS tweet”.

If I cared about tweets, I would join twitter.

He was from old school wow.

He was an arena legend.

There were no arenas in OG WoW.

Rip man :purple_heart::purple_heart:

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Too many ‘rich’ people just take it for granted and are used to being rich. They’ll never truly realize what they have until they’ve lost it. Fame and fortune affects the mind in different ways. Some people just live off the money that comes with it, and allow other things to affect them like emotions, relationships, etc, which could possibly cause depression and suicide.

Other people take advantage of they’re fame and fortune and it slowly turns them into absolute monsters and narcissistic scumbags and they view themselves as being better than everyone else. Asmongold falls under this type of category. I have never watched an asmongold stream but ive seen a few youtube clips of him, and the way he talks, along with his overall personality is absolute trash and undeserving of anything he has in life. Last time I checked, his networth was like 2million. But I don’t blame him. I blame YOU people for letting this scumbag rise to fame. Because of all the idiotic herds of free-profit cattle sheep that follow his streams, you have made this guy into a multimillion dollar narcissistic scumbag that believes he is better than everyone else. It doesn’t take much just to study this guy and the way he talks and his personality to come to a conclusion that he is exactly the type of person I just said he is.

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You don’t know a damn thing about reckful and your comments are absolutely disgusting. Go educate yourself on the man atleast.


There’s a lot of ignorance in this thread. Depression is a disease that can be fatal, and your personal wealth whether it be in friends, fame, power or money has no relevance.

Your the only monster around here man. Feel sorry for ya. How people like you have so much hatred for this world to put dead people down. I will never be able to understand that.

What may be true for you isn’t necessarily true for others.

If you’re poor and struggling and have not experienced wealth, perhaps you do think that is the magic salve for everything.

You do seem very miopic on this subject so I’ll just leave the conversation at that.

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