Rerolling from priest

Basically, in a nutshell, The p4 runes for healing are absolute trash. Binding heal is an insult. It was t0 garbage you picked up early tbc back in the day that sat on a bar slot and was barely ever used. Also, I cant down rank it so I will likely never press it even in an ideal situation. This was a terrible choice. Spammable bubbles are also a terrible idea without any talent coherence to support that playstyle. Either of these runes had far better options and feel extremely lazy and and no fun at all. We play a game for fun. As is as holy I will be doing the EXACT SAME thing I was doing in GD stockades at 60. Can you tell me any iteration of a game, where the character’s skill progression ended not even halfway through the leveling phase and thats all they go to play with through the late game? This all just feels bad. Watching everyone else get new abilities that were fun and changed playstyles was an absolutely crushing feeling. I stuck it out telling myself "surely they will have something impactful for p4. Surely priest will get something to shake our healing rotation up a bit) NOPE. A big ol’ nothing burger. Of all of the things in the priests toolkit to choose from were going with binding heal and more bubbles. I just cant fathom anyone that plays a priest choosing these abilities for runes. The devs are clearly disconnected from anything that isnt tank or DPS.


As a spriest Idk why the made us choose between VP and Dispersion. Just increase the Dispersion CD now theyve gutted the pvp spec. Idk their obsession with the mind flay pve rotation its a trashspell where we cant move and has like a 20 yard range. We are unnecessary mana batteries its just sad to see. Are we supposed to just mindflay over and over resetting our dots? Our rotation is applying dots for the first 10 seconds of a fight and then start using casts at that point we are so far behind in damage its insane.


We have attempted to coalesce constructive feedback about these issues here: Priest Rune Restructure; Updated (6/26/24)

Give it a read, see if you like it, add what you wish.