Representation matters

Why are we placing so much emphasis on human ideals in a world full of monsters and fantasy characters?

Seems like you’re trying to take the fiction out of the fantasy.


That’s why I play a gnome lock. In real life I’m 3 feet tall, have four fingers and can set things on fire. Oh also, I have a six-foot tall felguard with me at all times.


I’m not sure but they mention it at one point and I don’t see why not. I don’t want them to feel left out because of who they identify as in real life. one of WoW’s shadowlands selling point is customization of your character to reflect yourself as much as possible. I don’t think gender options should be restricted to only male/female if it will make others feel more included.


Yes I understand that and agree; I’m just curious as to what form that will take. Would they be satisfied with literally just a checkbox that says, “Non Binary” and they press it and then they go play?

For example, I pick male or female avatars based purely on their attack animations, so it does matters from an outward aesthetic point.

Would the physical parameters, qualities, and overall outward display of the character also need further customization?

I’m sure blizz could easily add that checkbox in like 2 secs.

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Why do you care so much about the representation in World of Warcraft when you literally are only level 11? Seems like you spend 90% of the time on the forums instead of actually playing the game

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My character doesn’t reflect me at all…

…or does it?

Walks off to do some seriously deep thought

Because only biological gender exists in this game. There is no social gender here. Use TRP3 if you wish to identify differently.

Once again… there is only biological gender in character creation. There is no social gender. There’s no way to tell who is non-binary or transgender unless you want people to wear a sign.

Use TRP3.

Also: don’t ever like your own thread over and over again. :roll_eyes:



The only representation that matters are those representing the anti-hedgehog agenda.

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I’m not liking my own thread :man_shrugging:. I don’t think it would be a bad idea to add new gender options. There’s many I know who would happily like that added to a vast game like WoW. I see no real harm in it.


Maybe I should like Cafe’s post with my own alts, just to balance it out.

(I’m kidding of course)

Sure OP, that’s why you’ve gotten upwards of 30 upvotes exclusively from Wyrmrest Accord. That’s not how this forum works, even on a busy day. You’re either abusing alts or you dragged friends into it


Literally watching the likes on this post tick up as you swap characters and like your own post. You’ve already been called out for it. We can already tell they’re your alts. Stop lying.


I’m not lying lol. but I guess you’ll believe what you want to believe.


Mine does. I am exactly like this irl.

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I see it as just a simple way to add more customization to those who wish to use it. I doubt it would be troublesome to add into the game and a positive to those who wish to be represented more like my friend :slight_smile:

Yes. You are. Because every single one of those likes has the exact same collections, which means it’s your alts.


It’s actually pretty impressive how quickly you’re doing this; I guess you have like 70 tabs open and you’re just cycling through on multiple monitors?

You’re right OP, that’s why the same exact “people” who upvoted your original post just so happened to scroll all the way down to boost your replies.

Either you’re too dumb to realize how obvious this is, or I’ve ascended to levels of unimaginable intelligence. I’m guessing its the latter.


I looked at them all and they all have the same battle pet collections. So he’s lying through his teeth— and badly.


I really wish you wouldn’t call me names. I just wanted to get my feedback on the forums and hoping blizzard takes it into account. I’m not trying to start any negativity here :slight_smile: