Reporting players needs adjusting

Hi all, the following incident occurred during an Epic BG with a familiar A/H lead and community run pre-made. The entire Wintergrasp bg was very well called and run by the lead. However, 6 mins before bg ending, the lead was voted out of the raid/bg. Mercs? possibly. Takes 3 votes/reports.
I find it annoying as the lead was now suffering from 15 mins of res sickness which seemed strange since he didn’t CHOOSE to leave the bg. I personally am curious about how this (SO CALLED) reporting is being looked at by BLIZZARD. DO they look at them? Seems fairly quick and automatic to me.
Has the “reporting” of players worked well with you all?

Why would Mercs want to lose ?

Everyone plays both factions . No one is out to get the Alliance . :roll_eyes:

I think it takes more but I could be wrong

You dont get rez sickness from being vote kicked. You get deserter debuff. Rex sickness is when youre too lazy to run to the graveyard in PVE

Its not. Its all automated. AI does the kicking now. Cutbacks on payroll I guess.

Because it is. Its automated as is most moderation now. Real people rarely deal with anything these days with this game.

It WAS adjusted over time to be automated as BB indicated.

Why? It’s cost effective at the expense of customer experience. Besides they have the entire CS forum to respond/trigger/escalate the fervent influx of “automated” victims for free :slight_smile:

This isn’t actually all that surprising/different from large companies that have at least some sort of monopoly on a customer base.

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Agree with you here. I think most of us are in it to win.

No, they don’t. The epic community scene in particular still has a very strong divide.

I know some salty mercs were oot and aboot last night :stuck_out_tongue: (Not my guild though). I’d almost bet money it was them. Were they mostly from Bleeding Hollow?

You are correct Blizzbanned, I mistyped. Res sickness was a mistake, I actually meant the Deserter buff, but I was pretty sure most understood my question was about the reporting and it’s monitoring if any. I thank you for correcting and responding.

res sickness does not have in battlegrounds. if you hate losing, just leave and switch alts to try again a new quene.

The report system def needs work I report xpoff exploiters but the only option you can select is afking, its actually a really terrible report system that has very little wiggle room for ppl abusing exploits of any kind not just the xpoff one.


uhhhhh I missed the part where I typed that I hate losing… Can you quote that part for me? TY for the helpful response to my questions regarding reporting players though. :slight_smile:

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the report feature is beign over abused right now soo many people i know get reported one person who doesnt hard say a word has a beef with some family that brings rl problems away from game into they come in report him anytime he says anything hes at 20 days suspension theyve abused the report feature that much and it sucks. it is part of why overwatch 1 died the report system abuse. mind you this friend of mine hardly says anything doesnt cuss abusive chat or anything but if someone talks to him in say or guild chat they use the report feature as a payback hes had to appeal in the past hes tired of appealing feel bad for him. it is just mentality of most people to abuse things that shouldnt be report feature class bugs exploits kind of sad

I think you’d be surprised. I think epic players in particular just like to maintain that facade. One of the reasons I rename or faction change my characters regularly, just to keep some anonymity. I don’t rat out the ones who whisper me when we’re on the same side but safe to say many of the main epic players, even (or especially) the premaders, are on both teams.

This is true. We have a lot of folks who play both factions. What I hear all the time is that we have more fun. :smiley:

i agree, get rid of that auto silence/suspended from reports.

well i guess i agree with the automation being derp, I’m mostly talking about trade chat stuff

That won’t happen lol.
They need to rely on the auto features + the complimentary white knights in the CS forum to provide the horrible customer experience that ensures maximum profits :slight_smile:

well atleast put a cap on it per day cause that stuff going back days only fooks those that are trying not to get fooked

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Welp, I lost all faith when I realized about 2 years ago, that Blizzard cares less about you as a person/consumer versus as #subscribernumber3332223 who pays every month.

Nothing surprises me these days here, I remember when you could work things out with a GM in whispers.

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I do prefer to play my Horde more than my Alliance in Epics for that reason. Horde solo epics are rarely the flamefest that Alliance ones are. The win/loss is about the same but the come-from-behind-wins are more frequent. Probably because of the queue times. Nobody wants to take the debuff and then wait for another queue.