Reported the same AH bot for 2 months

still, everyday, it sits there botting the auction house. i tell others to help, either nobody does or reports just dont work. this bot posts massively reduced prices on 1 single item for popular mats then when people post, and they auto undercut, it instantly buys them, runs to the mailbox and reposts it.

its the same exact pathing, same exact targetting, same exact spot it stands in. its 100% automated and yet, nothing ever happens to it. probly made thousands and thousands of gold ripping off real players and then selling the gold back to them.

this game is a joke


cant you buy his and post them at true market value?

yes but he posts 1 item at a time. and its across the entire market. and he reposts them probably once every 2mins.

Could also just be someone with absolutely nothing else going for them. Those people DO exist. People who literally sit at the AH all day making gold for no reason.


This is very easy to do with a TSM profile.

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im not robot, genious. Admins know me

Reported u and so do my crew

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i know its possible for a human to do it. its not a human. the issue isnt that its impossible to work around. i always buy its low auctions before i post mine and i have it whitelisted.

its the principle of allowing a bot to exist for months, making thousands of gold by ripping people off that irritates me.

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so you’re saying that it only takes one single other bot like him, that does the opposite: scans and buys the underpriced items.

and he will be bankrupt in days.

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you’re not even on my server

and its genius*

Oh my lord that name is rough on the eyes.

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whitehat bots lol

These exist in retail, too. Such an obvious pattern and so easy to catch. Shameful blizzard allows it.

Bans are done in waves not each individual report. This is done so they can study and learn from the botting software

Individual reports are pretty much useless unless it’s a mass report. CSRs aren’t really reading tickets or investigating these days.

Ban waves used to be the most effective way to handle bots for several reasons, but that’s becoming outdated now. Most bots don’t even try to avoid detection anymore; it’s just a race to profitability --“suicide botting.”

You occasionally see some targeted efforts against non-profit platforms like PvP/PvE rotations, but most of the focus is on heuristics and behavior patterns because it’s cheaper. Given that, an AH bot that doesn’t make much noise probably won’t get noticed. I really like the idea of whitehat bots fighting back though.

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