Reported for being too filthy and sand-filled to eat.
reported for not liking sand. It’s coarse, rough, grainy, and it gets everywhere.
Reported for liking sand.
Because it is coarse, rough, grainy and gets everywhere… even in the under-garments
Reported for using an outdated meme. That really grinds my gears.
haha. I get it. because sand often causes gears to grind excessively. haha
heads for the mechanical engineering table
Reported for not being mechagnome joking about gears.
Reported for the robbery of a friendly brutosaur, said brutosaur now pan handles around azeroth always asking for “tree fiddy”.
Reported for making a reference to South Park!
reported for not knowing tree fiddy originally came from that show based in cleveland with the old guy and his family
Reported for making me overgasp
Reported for being lewd.
reported for taking damage from my Sword of A Thousand Truths
edit: oh wait I can’t, it deleted ur account
Reported for being a part of the Alliance. Draeneis fit much better as The Horde.
Truth is I just want a Draenei Babe
Reported for trying to steal our waggle’s
Reported for no letting us in on the waggles fun.
reported for being selfish about waggles
Reports as cute
reported for the same thing
Reported for being reanimated dinner.
reported for not knowing the difference between reanimated dinner and rotten dinner