Replica Staff of Gul'dan

Legion should have shown you that, putting everyone of the same class into the same class halls, regardless of their origin or how they act. Granted, Warlocks are one of the less egregious examples, but still, Legion basically told us “If you play X class, you’re the same as all the other X class players.”

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It’s very refreshing to see someone else that does not think the class halls were the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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i have the movie transmog.
would be cool if they added it. id like it if they added it to both alliance and horde since its locked to horde only.

I have the staff and I don’t think I’ve ever used it for transmog. It just doesn’t look that good, at least on a Forsaken. Maybe other races have better luck with it because of scaling or what ever, but it’s kind of meh on my character.

I say throw it in the post, let people have it if they like it.

that was a promotional item from when the movie came out in theatres.

it would’nt surprise me if they added it eventually.

And why not? If people are supporting Blizzard with a subscription, then that’s good enough. They don’t need to have retroactively done something arbitrary. I think we’re kidding ourselves if we assumed we did a lot of work to get those transmogs. I think we just had to log in on a certain day and it was just granted to us.

If those items went into the trading post, they’d literally be doing more work to acquire them than I had to when they were first introduced.

Just my thoughts on it. And I agree I think they really could end up in the post, which is fine.

i was’nt saying it would be bad if they added it to the trading post, just said it would’nt surprise me.

as someone who has the staff… i dunno. would’nt bother me none, would just save me some tender.

Oh I was just making my point to make my point, it wasn’t exactly directed at you. I think I worded it poorly.

I think I completely agree with you on this.

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wasn’t this a promotional item, isn’t there like super evil and messed up laws in europe / oceanic / and austrilia that would get blizzard sued to high heaven if they brought this back to the game before the 10 year mark like with tyrael’s charger?

Yeah i’m calling you non americans out with your hurtful laws to our promotional cosmetic items!

I can see that coming back in the trading post.

I hope they do so others can enjoy it. It is a cool staff and I use it at least once or twice on any warlock I end up leveling.

It should be usable on both factions so my Lightforged Draenei Warlock can use it.

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i already have the staff, sword and shield from back in the day, but i certainly wouldn’t mind seeing it added to the trading post. some people might’ve missed out on one or both due to reasons.

i can see why its not, because its faction specific…but i’m not gonna lie. i’d totally use it for any warlocks i roll. and how ironic would it be for a Draenei Warlock to use Guldan’s staff, considering the lore? :joy: