Replace Stoneskin Totem with Earthen Wall Totem in Shaman Class Tree

Prior to the rework, I would argue that Ancestral Guidance competed just fine. Now that it’s being moved, who knows.

The tree is going to look entirely different.

Honestly 2 charges of earthen (+1 more with totemic recall, +2 more with Creation Core which could actually become a useful talent) would fix a lot of rshams problems.

What we need isn’t Earthen into the class tree but a talent that does what Unleash Life does to our Talent. Every 10-15 Sec the next totem cast is empowered and also does a small heal/Dmg in Aoe around it/you

If dps shaman is to be truly improved, Earthen Wall Totem is not enough in that position. I think you need to come to Spirit Link Totem.

In my opinion Stoneskin totem is absolutely essential in High Mythic+ keys.

It is VERY strong… 10% DR on a very low cooldown. DR is better than any other heal focused stat in the game.

It’s not straight DR though…it’s Physical damage.

So in areas where the group is taking heavy physical damage, yes. But this is not everywhere or enough to where I would say its better than EWT, which reduces any type of dmg.

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