Replace Mechagnomes

Ok, let’s go with Sethrak as intended horde (which I am not entirely convinced of, espesh the argument that it’s because they are in horde controlled land - because Mechagon is not ally controlled and if you look at the placement of their base, it makes a connected arc of ally bases, as the vulpera one does for horde).

However, Sethrak intended to be horde does fit with the way the story is apportioned - ‘Oh dear, we’ve run out of time to make another ally race, let’s make the lizards neutral - give ally a token bit of story so they can use the temple’. So horde: Zandalari, Vulpera, Sethrak. Ally: Kultiran, Mechagnomes and ? What was the 3rd race we missed out on? Thornspeakers? (Drustvar Twiggy people). That would’ve been pretty cool, tbh.

I suspect alot of the issue is nobody wants to grind rep past revered in any 8.2 content.

Rp server here, I see quite a bit of them, certainly more than I see things like Dwarves.

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As much as I agree with the sentiment. Mechagnomes have been established and aren’t going anywhere now. Its too late to replace an entire race unless Blizzard molds them into regular gnomes.

I’d love to be snake people. but I moved on from my revilement of these quad-amputees. And only wish for Blizzard to redesign us to actually transmog our legs and armos. Even if it means we get the undead treatment of knees / elbow exposure.

With the robots they were supposed to be, don’t even need to be replaced, just given extensive customization options.

Not only would it be unique customization wise.

It wouldn’t be ugly :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yeah, yeah. Everyone says the underplayed race is their favorite ever. But then:

< Blue Sun >
120 Human Death Knight

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I’ve actually wondered about that, thank you for chiming in.

Figured we’d be around a fair bit on RP servers.

This is a valid point. Makes all those “lets get rid of the Vulpera” threads kinda moot too. lol

Useless drones that have no reason to pick a side? Sure.

On the same page here… though different reasons. lol

Dude, it costed my Gnome an arm and a leg to race change.


You act like mechagnomes weren’t pulled out of nowhere to begin with, and the reason robo-gnomes would pick a side should be obvious.

You think the concept of Robo-gnomes built by long dead Fleshy gnomes on a remote island, is a far stretch?

Sentient robots have a precedent in WoW. Exhibit A: Mother.

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There were signs of them in Kul’tiras from the get go…

Not really. Also not what I said.

Sure. but we’re talking about the WotLK mechagnomes. They’re for the most part just drones doing a job. Not really a race that would join a side.

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Not the same as appearances or mentions, they didn’t exist anywhere until their patch.


Robot-customization options for Mechagnomes please.

Mechagnomes are just augmented Gnomes. They’re not even their own race. Should’ve just given Gnomes mechanical customization and gave us a proper allied race.

Being mentioned and having a lead in story wise that was obviously not a one and done event means they didn’t exist anywhere? Theres a Gnome literally searching for Mechagon right there.

I’ve always been happy with the idea of added customization. Who wouldn’t want to choose one arm or the other, or one leg vs two? Have more than one of the head modifications on your head? Sure sounds good.

We don’t need the drones from Wrath. We have Mechagnomes right here ready to fulfill your need. When Blizz does the customization pass on AR’s I’m sure we’ll get some neat stuff for that.

While at one point I might have agreed with you, I think their culture has advanced to the point where it makes sense they’d have their own set of racials and such.

I also think the Wildhammer should be a separate AR as well as the various Troll tribes for similar reasons.

They’re just not the same.


Which does not equal a hint to a half-mechanical race.

There’s mech crap all over WoW, for all we know it could of just been more gnomes or goblins.

No one wants Gnome drones from Wrath.

Mechagnomes already have a good basis for looking fully mech with their heritage armor, expand on that with customization and allow the option to get rid of the fleshy bits and it’s golden.

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Lots of folk tell me they’d rather have gotten the Wrath guys. So I contend this good sir.

This one the other hand you and I can agree on fully. More options is always good. Why not let us go “all the way” as it were.

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Probably meant that concept more than that look, the ones from wrath are stagnant, the ones Blizzard has made now have potential.

How about fat gnomes instead!

How about no. Mechas have charm, moreso than the boring fish-men and the slightly less boring snake-men, and the people who play them are fairly civil and don’t make threads like this.

“Every allied race should have broad appeal!!!”
You sound like a mother who only buys her kids games if she thinks they’re ones that all of them can enjoy.

You know, it’s rampant pessimism and victim playing like this why I’m convinced the general attitude of the Alliance playerbase will never improve.

You assumed wrong, because the Alliance player character does about 15 minutes of negligible quests for the Devoted while the Horde player character is the reason they aren’t all dead and their loa is alive again.

“ShOuLd’Ve JuSt GiVeN gNoMeS mEcHaNiCaL cUsToMiZaTiOn”
Stop believing this garbage. Mechagnomes were given their own models with new animations and they fit the allied race mold perfectly, yet people like you constantly cry “they should’ve been customizations!!!111” while ignoring the other allied races that are also glorified reskins and previously were requests for customizations. And giving gnomes customizations during the expansion where most races are getting allied races just because they’re gnomes is fair for the people who play them how, exactly?

Lightforged are just evolved draenei and guilty of many of the same things that mechagnomes are, yet for every 20 people I see saying that mechagnomes should’ve been customizations, I see one person saying the same for Lightforged GEE, I WONDER WHY?

You got one. Sorry it doesn’t fit your exorbitant standards.


Just because I didn’t happen to bring up other races in a MECHAGNOME thread, doesn’t mean I’m not aware of this.

The only truly unique allied race there is in the game are Kul’ Tirans, everything else is just a re-skin, even the Vulpera that are just Goblins with fur.

Some pretty wild assumptions in your replies about me that I’m just gonna ignore.