Repeatedly camped, then i was astonished. wow

What I was trying to compare was 1v1 Ganking to group WPVP and BG’s. While they’re all fun ganking is what still gives the adrenaline rush to me.

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Yes I am.:grin:

What a moving story! Its a shame when the horde rabble form up to grief innocent questing players.

I fear what would have continued to happen if this heroic group did not step in to save both you and the zone of Stormsong from such a despicable threat.

I was moved by this story enough to read it to some friends out loud. I hope my reading does the story justice.

#FortheAlliance #HailKingAnduin

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My Surprise is ready!

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Hehe :smiley:

Lol this totally wasn’t a fake story to publish to recruit people. Hi Zapey!


u alright, fam?

your tinfoil hat seems a tad bit too tight.

this is the most thinly veiled “1v1 me bro and stop ganking me in a 40 man group” ive ever read


Who cares though :slight_smile: Everyone is entitled to play the game the way they like and this forum is for expressing how one likes to do things, or see things.

For those of us who enjoy spirited, robust, even and challenging PVP part of the fun here is to mock those who like to win easy fights :slight_smile:

There is no right or wrong, as wow just like life is perspective based :slight_smile:

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Level headed post thank you.

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Ganking someone in a 40 man group is no accomplishment

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In his defense Dosao, if we were 390 warriors with literally no pve or pvp progress, we’d probably join one of those zerg communities too. I credit him for being self-aware of his lack of skill, and taking the necessary steps in order to engage in pvp in such a remedial manner. “Well, I’m pretty bad at pvp, but if I roll with these 39 other people, I can actually get kills. YAAAY!”



If it was possible for people to progress with world pvp alot of players on both sides would have better gear.

But the game forces you to get high rating in arena or rbgs for subpar gear or do mythic+ and raids for gear. I preferred when they had pvp vendors where gear wasn’t as big as a factor as skill.

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Has world pvp ever been an avenue for gearing? Outside of Vanilla, people would farm honor in the world before the introduction of BGs.

I don’t think WPVP should be an option for gearing, outside of catchup mechanics for new alts. For example, when the next tier opens scale the Incursion gear to LFR quality. If people could actually gear at a heroic level, people would just camp FPs and WQs all day killing solo questers.

At least rated pvp and M+/Raids are balanced for the size of the group. If people could actually gear from WPVP, zerg groups like Ruin or Cryptids would be absurd, just via overwhelming numbers.

WPVP should be about fun, or simple rewards such as cosmetic items or titles.

People have been talking about gear vs skill since Vanilla. I agree pvp vendors would be great. The ilvl should be limited without the necessary rating though.

I see your point with that. But not everyone enjoys killing mindless npcs and bosses with the same unchanging mechanics to farm gear. Its boring to me at least.

Likewise the same battlegrounds we’ve been playing for almost a decade lack fun.

I like world pvp because its not predictable.
I could be fighting someone 1v1 and more show up so i have to adapt my strategy or call in friends, and then the enemey could bring more and then strategy changes again.

I can also use the entire terrain to my advantage rather than an area im locked into.

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Oh I agree that WPVP is fun, but the no stipulations part is why people shouldn’t be able to gear from it. It wouldn’t be 1v1, it would be zerg communities camping solo players for heroic-mythic quality gear. We can probably all agree that would be bad for the game. People would no longer WPVP for fun, but would feel obligated to join groups like yours to gear up every new alt.

I think the current ilvls from conquest gear are fine (i.e. Heroic quality). The only thing they need to implement is a vendor so you could choose the slot for your 500 CP. That way casual PVPers can get gear, but not top tier quality gear because they aren’t pushing content (pve or pvp).

Ya like the 1 week where they gave 400 gear for AOO the same week BOD was released … frankly that week the game was unplayable as a horde with WM on.


Hopefully aao doesnt came back. Makes the alliance that actually do world pvp for fun look bad.


I have a strong dislike for the way pvping gear has felt this expac. The 500 conquest cap with a pick your reward at the end is nice and is at least something. Granted when the next week comes and I open my chest that clearly said would be 400 ilvl peice and it gives me a 395, that makes me a little salty. I like Zirafos do not like being pigeonholed into pve to gear myself for top rated pvp. Crucible by the arena community was dubbed the pvp vendor due to the sheild items being so strong in pvp, I’m just not a fan of that at all to be honest.