Repeatedly camped, then i was astonished. wow

Aww your so kind

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Hahaha i literally LOLed

No where did I say that it was okay for Horde to do it. I said 40v40s in general, which include both factions. Large scale WPvP, regardless of faction, is unhealthy in a game that can’t even support it. If the servers are literally crashing and lagging to the point where it takes 6-8 seconds to cast a spell, it’s unhealthy. Players should not be promoting it.

What I’m saying is, Horde have, on this forum, challenged Alliance groups or guilds to small scale WPvP. I have yet to see any Alliance group or guilds challenge Horde to small scale WPvP. There’s only a select few individuals who actually support this, such as Percival’s dueling community which is about 1v1s which, by the way, is amazing.


I would prefer if they would just fix the game ive fought in bigger battles without lag in previous expansions


Keywords, previous expansions, where the game could actually support it. Currently, it can’t.

Edit: That being said, yes, I’d prefer if they fixed it too, but players crashing the servers and lagging it when it can’t support it isn’t helping anything.

Well said.

The only time I get an adrenalin rush now playing a Rogue is ganking 1v1. Even if it’s an undergeared 110-120. So many things can happen where you are the one doing a corpse run.


Which is sad considering there is better technology out and games who have done far bigger battles in them.

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It’s very sad, yeah. We can’t do anything about it though but tell Blizzard, “Hey, fix your servers,” and they can do whatever they want. They don’t have to fix it if they don’t feel like it.

I don’t see what it accomplishes by continuing to lag or crash the servers though by doing something the game doesn’t support.

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Living life on the dangerous side i see…:grinning:

Lok’tar ogar


Well no thrill for me if I beat someone who I should beat easily just because I was a rogue or x class. It has to have danger :slight_smile:


I carry goblin gliders…you might find random grey junk that I picked up and forgot to vendor but that’s about it…

Oh and I carry a big stick…you know what they say about the guy who carries the biggest stick…


I find thrill in beating everything to a pulp…it’s even more thrilling getting that one guy who thinks cause they are in a group they are safe…


Risk versus reward. The reward is greater when the risk is higher.

You have two basic types of pvpers: those who try to remove all risk from the equation and those who only enjoy pvp when there is risk of loss involved.

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Huh…and raid leaders should really stop beating their spouses. Oh hey look at that I can judge too lol.

Your 2 hours, I just read it like you got on a character to do stuff and the other faction said no and you completed a couple hours later. I’d argue there’s a ton of tools you could have used, in modern wow, to continue on. Logging onto a new character is a vanilla solution lol

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Hey I’m allowed 30 mins to run around the backyard and get some sun. Basically free reign.

They are angels sent from on high to save us from the rerollers and the filth they cohabitate.

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You sweet child with hair of silk, you’re a rog.

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Oh Nomakian,
The forum profiles never refresh.
I shall never forget you.

Wednesday was D-day. My Alliance guild faction changed. Definitely feels weird…

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I shall remember you as who you where and not want you have become. :cry::cry::cry::yum:

Lok’tar ogar