Repair costs really vary between classes and specs and content - assuming that most of that cost isn’t coming from deaths.
When I heal dungeons I hardly have any repair bills, but when I do delves and spend the whole time face-tanking mobs, my repair bill is pretty high.
Also, if you are in a raid and you are on a progression boss, many bosses are on platforms where you can jump off once you know it’s a wipe. You don’t take a durability loss when you jump off.
Omg 1000gold !!! Omg thats like a 2 minute world quest!!! Omg the horror how can blizzard expect us to play this game with such a massive insanely high repair cost!!! Omits so toxic
Do you not play the game? Honestly how are people so broke.
I had some 600K in my warbank about a month ago, have sold whatever I find on the AH, collected whatever gold I get along the way from things like weeklies and paragon, and anything else I do, have done zero crafting, zero M+/raid runs sold, I don’t go out of my way to do something that someone else pays me for using the service channel, I just log in and do WoW content and now have over 800K in my warbank.
I also buy all my consumables from the AH, it’s cheaper than buying mats and crafting, and far easier than farming my own mats, I am even buying flasks from the AH, upgrading weapons with AH mats and paying people to do the craft, and I am still making money from just playing the game.
I play the parts of the game that I have fun with.
Which is largely M+ Spam and Raiding.
Both of which are Gold Sinks unless you’re selling carries.
When it’s not that, it’s low level Twinking.
Which does not generate gold unless you’re specifically farming Classic Dungeons for mog sales or something.
Do I do my daily / weekly quests? No. They’re braindead and unfun, so I don’t touch them after the first few weeks.
Do I play the AH? No. I’ll post a current expansion rare/epic BoE if I get one, otherwise I ignore it. Again, not fun to monitor it and I’m not actively farming for items that actually sell decently.
I’ve noticed the gold from WQ dropped significantly from DF to TWW, used to get 500 from the racing bag reward now you get 100. Used to get 2k gold from the world boss WQ in DF, now its close to 900.
But crafted gear is 50- 100k+ gold depending on the realm you’re on. Either its incentive to buy gold or they are trying to deflate the economy after many expansions of inflation.