Rep Questions


Having some trouble finding a consolidated answer for this one.

Does anyone have a consolidated list of reps you can currently grind to exalted with tabards? I’ve been farming Botanica and maxing out the reps I’ve found that work with tabards, but I can’t find a list of reps to confirm I’ve either done them all or not. Thanks!

I’ve never seen a consolidated list but wowhead entries for instanced contend and for a particular faction usually list the reps granted and/or how to gain them.

Dungeon rep can be tricky. Many dungeons, particularly BC dungeons have rep associated with a particular faction. Wearing a tabard only grants tabard rep for a couple of them.

Wrath and Cataclysm were the only times that rep tabards were in use, so you can limit your search that way. (The city tabards for rep were added in Cataclysm.)

Unless something has changed, the non-city tabards will only work in their respective expansions. (So, you’ll need to do Wrath dungeons for the Wrath reps, and Cata dungeons for the Cata reps.)