Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

I linked that thread before for him lol. Great job at digging and finding that page.

(Either that one or the other one you made)

Community can’t handle limited time stuff.

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So druids are the only ones to get a shot at collecting the weapon appearence? Let’s be honest, the werebear was the weapon appearence during Legion. Even if it’s a recolor of the original one it’s still the mage tower appearence. Why not give other classes a recolor of their weapon appearences as well

There were 10 positive comments and you were number 11, congratulations for being the first to create this ridiculous argument for some appearances of people who did not play Legion or did not know of the existence of these.

Good for Blizzard for not being intimidated by players.

cant wait for the next lawsuit so we get mage tower apperances for all and not just druids

Way to go Blizzard!

I agree with this step. It seems like a fair compromise on many fronts.

The Mage Tower is returning so people can experience it.

There are new rewards so both old and new players can enjoy it.

They are keeping their word and respecting the efforts of those who earned the weapon appearances.

And Druids can get a Werebear form.

100% awesome compromise.


ur guild matches how u feel.

If it happened in 2020 – then if its no longer obtainable, then whats the issue?

EDIT: The last link shows it on BMAH. Hm? I dont agree with that unless they have someway around it through very limited availability.

Cool. But imagine if you made a new mage tower, and it wasn’t beholden to your timewalking schedule? It’s gonna be several months between Legion TW weeks, and that’s gonna suck for collectors.


They didn’t only play it, they PAID FOR IT and stayed SUBBED to it. Sorry pal this is game but also a business. You seem to forget that for some reason. Customer loyalty rewards, time limited marketing all of that - happens in the real world. It’s not a crime or a violation of your human rights or any other such drivel I’ve seen you write. Get over it already.


can u out then in WOW classic game , is best gams lotta funs

They weren’t prestigious they were a joke to get by the end of Ant. There’s a reason the people bleeting about them needing to be kept locked aren’t wearing anything seasonal locked besides them.

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Ok, cool, so now that the excitement for a new werebear skin wore off, just a quick observation, for some classes this is probably/likely going to be really skewed: hunters, for example. You wanna break your face against Xylem or the Twins? Screw that, let’s just go smack a worm around. Mages? Monks? also gonna go eat worms for breakfast. Heck, Demon Hunters get two easy choices.

The werebear WAS the weapon appearence. If you’re against other classes getting them as a recolor then this should also upset you. I’d be cool with just the tier sets for all classes, but to see that only 1 spec of 1 class gets a shot at getting their weapon appearence sucks balls.

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Then bring back mop challenge mode and the other artifact apperances

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Thank you for not bringing back the feral Druid form.

Will this be retroactive?

I did 36/36 back when this was relevant content
 I’m not looking to repeat that particular experience.


How? How would they lose value? Accounts don’t have a monetary value unless you are breaking ToS and selling them. The only way they would lose value is if you are a sad sad sad individual who only derives pleasure from having things others don’t instead of aesthetic appearance.


No, you’ll have to do it again, they’re being “normalized” anyway so they’ll be much easier

Thank you, as a Guardian Druid who earned the originals its good to be able to not have to tell other Druids they cant be a Werebear

and a fel version is a great bonus to all Bears, yay bears~