Reopening the Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5

This. Add a cat one too. This “skeleton” as excuse to adding the werebear is fine and all but people want new druid forms in general lol.

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Alrighty, thanks for calling in.

Next caller.

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Yikes, seriously you’re going to come down on the side of making some of the coolest weapon appearances in the game /still/ unobtainable? And instead we get lackluster recolors? There is no reason to keep those appearances locked away, literally all this does is let someone see a person with a really cool transmog in a city or out in the world, look up how to get it, then get pissed off that it’s no longer obtainable. Not a great way to keep existing transmog farmers, and really not a great way to attract new or returning players. Swing and a miss, blizzard.

Also, I have have the shiny kitty (the only one I bothered to do) and I absolutely feel for those druids who can’t get it anymore. Bring them all back.


Reintroducing those same appearances now would diminish those players’ accomplishment

Maybe this philosophy should be applied to your borrowed power systems. What is the point of grinding renown, azerite power, etc. when it’s given for free later in the expansion. Design with permanence in mind.


I’m glad the Mage Tower is back, and I like the reward for completing all of the seven challenges (the flying book mount).

I also like the Guardian Druid tint, thanks for that.

I do have to say I feel quite disappointed to see we’re getting recolored sets instead of artifact appearances.

If you really wanted to respect players’ feeling of accomplishment and not introduce the original tints, you could at least make recolors of the artifact appearances, like you’re doing with Guardian Druids?

It would be a win-win.


Give it an expac or two and they will look as dated as any other thing from past years. Not all of them were as good either, specially without the special effects that artifacts had.

From all the ones I got, WindWalker is the only one I’d consider a “best looking weapon ever” for the spec.

While that’s subjective, the subjectivity also means that for most people they would find another better looking weapon down the line.


Can you share how you insert quotes like that?

What are you even talking about. No one purchased Mage Tower rewards. This is literally a law in place in most states in regards to a company running non-stop FOMO sales one after another, it has 0 to do with this.

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Do we have to be max level 60 and full geared? It would suck because I’d have to level up those toons and that’s a lot of hours. I already got 5 60’s, to level and gear 5 more sounds too much. If it was lvl 50 and above, and gear isn’t and issue, that would be great.

This is a really frustrating and disappointing decision. As someone who played in Legion and earned a significant amount of tints, I could not care less if other people had the opportunity to earn them now.

I don’t understand how this is any different than say the Mythic armor sets from Nighthold for example. Today, you can easily farm those but back in Legion they were more difficult than the solo challenge of the Mage Tower to obtain.

Why can I easily obtain those but not obtain more tints from the Mage Tower especially considering that the Mage Tower is on a rotation with Timewalking and more difficult than those Mythic armor sets?

It’s decision like this that push people to look at other games. It’s a tint. Locking cosmetic content behind expansion walls is silly and it make it feel like we aren’t playing World of Warcraft. We are stuck playing whatever the current expansion is and that’s unfortunate. There is a lot of great content and it should always be available.


You purchased Legion, no?

Players who complete all seven of the Challenges on different characters across their account will be rewarded with a unique flying mount: the Soaring Spelltome!

I am once again asking for you to make it reasonable for me to do on one character. 3 (4 for druid) is a fine enough challenge. I don’t have an alt for “Closing the Eye”, have mercy.

What law? Someone cited a law?

I want a form like Udyr in League of Legends.

The druid keeps their humanoid form, but they just get really big bear hands or cat hands.

So? Just have the same difficulty so they have to earn it the same way we did? I don’t see why blizzard wants to give it to that 1% of people that do not even play this game.

And yes I am in that 1% of people and I think it is stupid as heck

So your only argument is that you played a video game at a different time than someone else? I’ll at least give you that its an argument, though I personally find it a poor and sad one.

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Ah, ok, didn’t think you didn’t like me. I like you so this is kinda sad news that you’re making fun of a typo. This is not my first language I’m afraid.

Oh yeah for sure. I am positive those people exist… it’s just some people that you see complaining a lot and then when it comes to this “It’s the challenge I care about, not the rewards!”

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Super lame to not give the weapon appearances especially since there are people who have started the game since then. I say that as someone who got all the ones I wanted.

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Not release old appearances is absolutely moronic. You were so close to something great and messed up again. I get so many whine about “It’s legacy” but they’re morons. In no way could the majority of WoW players obtain all 36 appearances in such a short time. Bringing it back with every Timewalking Legion week would have been FANTASTIC. Actually giving players time and a chance to collect them all. But some how, you came so close to something beautiful, and completely messed up.


Lol this conversation is not worth continuing. You’re just making US laws up to fit your agenda.