STILL happening with a new patch. How?
Why do we report bugs if you wont fix them?
STILL happening with a new patch. How?
Why do we report bugs if you wont fix them?
Still broken. Will submit a GM ticket to get it resolved.
It’s been well over a month now how is this not fixed yet?
I had high hopes the patch would fix this, now i’m unsure even 11.0 will fix this crap.
still happening, fix please
I, too, am repeatedly “losing” the Renowned Explorer title, and my friend is no longer listed as a Recruited Friend.
I’m more convinced now than ever that one of a few things are happening with the RAF system-
People on the old track but automatically switched to the new track are losing the old title for … not being flagged as completing the old track?
or maybe
People who were on the old track and started the new, but who’s RAF recruit fell out of their 2 year window (after 2 years it ends), are now not considered to be “on track” (lack of a RAF, I only had 1) and therefor are also out of whatever status marked the old RAF track as complete.
I don’t know jack about programming cept GWBasic, but it seems pretty obvious it is tied to the RAF status and whether or not you’re actively earning rewards.
I’m almost tempted to make a dummy account and recruit it to see if that ‘fixes’ things.
Still happening for me as well, hope a fix will come soon.
Still occurring. Please fix…
Yup - still happening.
Started in December and now were in February…
any day now…
How the heck have they not fixed this yet; 3 months later??? ><
the spam is soooo annoying…not even a blue post acknowledging that it’s happening & that theyre working on a fix
Yeah, there is a random post they have (you end up finding when searching through support in the game) it says "they no of the problem but have no fix for it right now.
Not sure how the heck it’s still an issue 3 months later.
I just noticed this today and after checking a few things I figured out that the title disappears as soon as you mount/ dismount or take a flight path. I submitted an ingame bug report.
fyi I have both RaF panels completed
These and similar posts made me laugh. The voldunai rep reset bug has been in the game since DF launched. Still requires a ticket and getting the right GM for a fix.
This ones just a title. The rep reset directly impacts your gameplay.
For the love of God Blizz fix this annoying spamming nonsense that never had any reason to exist in the first place idc if you get rif of the stupid title anyone only ever uses RAF for mounts anyways
It isn’t that- every 10-15 min, or less, you get a YELLOW text message, like a system warning, saying You’ve lost/gained a title that is tied to their Recruit a Friend program.
If you have a friend in the program, you get benefits, but those fall off after the friend has been in the program 2 years (shouldn’t ever end, IMO), and a title + other cosmetics and items unlocked.
They “recently” changed the rewards for the program, and for whatever reason, I’d hazard to guess those with the title but no longer active friends in the program, keep flagging and unflagging the Title itself.
Seems like they’re too scared to fix it cause it might break the RAF system or something. Its hella annoying though. I want a way to at least turn off “title-gain/loss” messages at this point (among others).
It’s not just the RAF title. It’s also affecting the streamer watcher title that I’m forgetting at the moment. I see the two spammed off/on non-stop.
It may not be a big deal to YOU but to others it may be.