Renown from Covenant Campaign

So I have been a bit behind this expansion. Okay really behind because this is my first expansion with being a parent. I figured I would spend some time this weekend, and start working on my renown since my kids wouldn’t be around for a bulk of the weekend, and I wasn’t dead tired.

A lot of things I watched/read said to finish your Covenant campaign would get you a lot of renown. So I did:

  • Trial of Ascension
  • Phaestus, Genesis of Aeons
  • Righteous Retribution
  • The Seal of Contrition
  • A Vessel of Ardenweald
  • Closing In
  • The Bell Tolls

After I did my Lost Souls and 1K Anima today.

I barely got any renown, not nearly as many as WowHead comments claims for the quest chain (should have gotten about 11). I know there was/is a cap that would increase each week, and I am currently only sitting at 27, and started today at between 18-21 (I don’t 100% remember), which means at most I earned 9 renown this today (maybe 1-2 renown earlier this week). I am just checking to see if I am missing/misunderstood something, or should I have gotten more from the campaign. I have tried looking this stuff up, but a lot seems to either contradict other things or is from back in Dec 2020 - Jan 2021.


If I remember correctly after you hit 25 renown, it slacks up a bit. Each week you’re guaranteed at least 2 renown after that marker, with it being the world boss and one of your weekly quests (pretty sure that’s it?). Having done your campaign line, that’s the easiest bulk of your earned renown. You have a chance of getting more in dungeons, PvP, and doing your daily callings. There isn’t a guarantee of how much more of the ‘random’ renown drops you’ll get, it’s all RNG. Sometimes it drops like crazy. Other times, it’s a drought.


It looks like you get 9 from the campaign if my eyes are counting accurately this early. If I recall, there were a couple additional quests on wowhead that inaccurately showed as offering renown with completion, maybe from an earlier state of the game. Finishing your campaign is one of the best things you can do to ensure you’re caught up, in addition to the anima/souls/world boss weekly.

You just need to keep doing other activities every day and it will happen organically. It’s relatively fast but just takes a little patience to get there! I only ever did the above activities I mentioned and callings, no pvp/dungeon/raid, so I’m sure it could’ve been faster.

There are certain points where I’m sure you’ll stop receiving renown from some activities if you have other “opportunities” available. Like I was mainly doing the world boss on one character because of alt exhaustion. But now I’m “stuck” around 38 because I have to yet to do the two weeklies or the campaign and no longer receive them from the world boss, so now I’ll do the weeklies to finish it off. The algorithm has certain breakpoints it seems.

Edit: also do not be alarmed if a certain calling says it will offer renown and then doesn’t when you turn it in. I believe that breakpoint I mentioned above is the reason this happens because if you’ve turned in other renown opportunities some go away. I would recommend doing these as soon as possible if you see them.


Okay thanks. I was just confused cause I had seen several post of people saying they did their campaign and a few quests and got to 23/24. So I figured starting the campaign without starting at 0 renown would have pushed me more into the 30s. Wanted to make sure I wasn’t getting a bug of some sort.

Okay so just to double make sure, you can get all 40 renown in 1 week (i.e. no cap on how much you can get in 1 week anymore), but there is a cap on catch-up renown, correct?

There are diminishing returns on renown gains. Yes, it is a catch-up system, but the more renown you get, the harder it will be to get it. So, if you’re sitting at zero and need 24, the first few will be very easy to get and will nearly come to you via any activity greater than a standard quest, whereas those last few will be far more scarce.


Thanks. That makes sense. I figured as you get closer to be on par with others who didn’t do catch-up that you would be more reliant on getting renown the way you would that wasn’t catch-up.


If the quest gets too hard. Just forget it or ask for help. People need to understand. Just move the right spec that is best.

While your advice is very much correct under the right circumstances, it doesn’t pertain to the issue at hand. The OP was concerned about renown gain, not having an issue actually completing any quest.