Removing pets from MM goes against Blizz’s stated goal of keeping the RPG in MMORPG

No, i said it is part of their core fantasy.

You just create a strawman to attack a point i never made, there is no insinuating, you lied about my point.

IT is

Blue post confirms it

If people become clowns as the conversation goes on, why would i call then different?

I know you are being dense on purpose, to make this dumb argument look more vallid, but even you understand they say hunters use arrows(bows/crossbows) guns or polearms.

where does it say, specifically, MM dont need a pet? where does it say, specifically, MM cant play or use one?

Again, you cant play this victim card, you are the biggest troll in the hunter feedback thread, talking crap about removing the pet and how is a good thing, you are literally the user with THE MOST comment in the thread, even saying time and time again you dont care

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