Remove World Buffs From Raids

I mean, I hate world buffs, too. But I feel very iffy on Blizz removing them. Maybe making them like flasks, where nobody loses them on wipe? That would make them far better for AQ and Naxx.
I never had too much of an issue with them, aside from balancing raid preparations with logging off to preserve the buffs. But I also haven’t had a priest purge me of them yet; maybe I’m seeing this from someone who hasn’t faced the worst buffs bring to the table.

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Just make them what they once were, a treat. Put the time another buff can be dropped further out, proportional to the increase in server size. If a server is x5 bigger than they were in classic, increase the time a buff can drop accordingly. Its the same logic made for Black Lotus, we have more people, so we need more drops to make it the same level as vanilla. World Buffs should take the opposite approach.

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You’re missing a positive from your list of one. I find that the world buffs give incentive for players to play more defensively on trash and watch the threat meter on bosses. Losing them sucks, and defending those buffs (with consumables if necessary) makes the raid go faster not just from output but from players actually caring about staying alive (less rez and rebuff recovery time). Without the world buffs there’s not much reason to care.

I’ve been running MC for just under 9 months now. Anything that makes that go slower makes me hate this game. Don’t want world buffs? Don’t get them. Don’t want them purged? PvE-> that way. But removing world buffs means new players will NEVER get geared in a reasonable amount of time, because those of us on this train for 9 months aren’t interested in 1.5 hour MC clears anymore.

You should have some doubt. There’s plenty of examples of things occurring in Classic that were either less prevalent or entirely absent in vanilla that Blizzard stepped in to change.

World buffing is one of the things they explicitly stated wouldn’t be changed, despite all the things people are doing to get them.

But isn’t that actual vanilla and progression of 2004? You needed to work your way up through the raids and guilds of your server to move into the next tier. What we have now is essentially no challenge. I started raiding in Classic two weeks ago, I have 5/8 T1, a T2 piece, and a few odds and ends while having completely cleared every single raid available in a single day. Back in Vanilla, people were still raiding MC even when Naxx was out as there was new people and those who still needed gear to work their way up.

Thats fun until im caught up on gear, but without any challenge, where is the fun? Now, this might change come AQ 40 and Nax, but the current state of raiding is you can do it all in one day in 3 hours.

You got carried, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But what I’m saying is that’s going to end soon. Good luck to the players looking for 5/8 T1 when everyone stops running it. Sure there will be pugs but then you’re looking at round robin MS>OS and you’re not getting 5 pieces in a week. If AQ were out we’d not be running it now. Now imagine not having the world buffs and that raid taking twice as long. It ends even sooner.

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But that’s not true at all.

People have said the same thing about other aspects of the game that have been changed.

Honestly can’t fathom why you’d even proffer this up as a ‘reason why it wont change’.

‘It wont change because I say it wont’.


But why would people stop running MC, if progression is slower and harder with a lack of world buffs? People ran MC throughout all of Vanilla, and servers were a fraction of the size they were now, and it wasn’t just pugs, it was guilds as well. If it takes longer to move out of a tier, then there are more people likely in that tier.

The only difference I would see, is that its far less likely you wouldn’t jump to current content when you hit 60, and would need to progress through.

I totally support the OP. I hate not being able to do BGs when I have 20-40 minutes to play. Saving world buffs for raids makes my entire day before dedicated to getting them.
I understand that “you don’t have to get world buffs…” but in my guild you do and most guilds require it.


And this is why this problem can’t be fixed by the players.

I compare it to performance enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball in the 90’s. The League didn’t police it, so it was easy to get away with it, and because of competition between players for roster spots, many felt like they had to use them to pull their weight and compete.


If world buffs aren’t removed, everybody will just continue getting them.

The people who are like “Well…you can just not get them” are smoking crack.
In reality they aren’t actually that stupid/oblivious; it’s just an argument/counter-point they toss out every time this topic comes up.

“You don’t HAVE to get world buffs… You don’t NEED world buffs to complete the content…”

Yeah…but many guilds are mandating their members getting world buffs prior to raiding. If you show up to a raid without world buffs, your raid members notice and some of them resent you for not putting in equivalent effort. Guild leadership notices and it has an effect on how you are perceived (as a contributor) within the guild.

World buffs are heavily utilized in many guilds (even guilds that aren’t necessarily plowing through all the raid content as soon as it’s released). Getting world buffs has slowly become the new ‘base line’ for preparing for a raid…partially because world buffs are so incredibly powerful.

Dragonslayer is a 2hr super powerful DPS buff. The DM buffs are also quite strong and last for a protracted period for effectively ‘rolling through’ a 5 man dungeon (very easy content). Getting the world buffs isn’t ‘hard’ it’s just time consuming and often leads to players getting all the buffs the day before then logging out until it’s time to raid.

Really what it comes down to is: People are willing to say/argue anything to preserve these buffs that allow them to artificially nerf the content difficulty.

It’s ironic, because world buffs actually change the power dynamics that exist between classes to be more severe than they are normally.

Ex. Hunters get really screwed on world buffs; they get dramatically less from world buffs than other classes…like Warriors, Mages, and Warlocks.

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It’s too late bud

It won’t change


Nobody is forcing you or your guild to get world buffs. You even said it yourself that they are completely optional…so why does it matter?

Nobody forcing you to be in a guild that works this way. Perhaps you should take this issue up with your guild leaders instead of blizzard.

It would surprise me if Blizz came out and said they had never explored alternative options for world buffs. The most logical change they could have made (and one that would have been directly ripped from the high quality pservers) is to disable world buffs on brand new raid content for the first x amount of lockouts. They decided not to do it for BWL, so chances are it will remain that way.

My guild gets world buffs every week including WCB as alliance but many of us feel the same way about them. It does get tiresome, but eventually your guild should have an infrastructure set up to make them easier to get if performance is a big priority. World buffs are an inextricable part of the modern version of Classic.

One thing I will say and this is just opinion, but world buffs are really only best used by hardcore/efficient groups and this becomes much more obvious in later content. Your guilds might not feel the need to require world buffs or penalize you for not having them if you don’t even keep them for 25% of a raid. The biggest use of world buffs in Naxx is taking them directly to one of the more numbers-tight bosses such as Patchwerk, Loatheb, or Sapphiron. Most guilds will not enter Naxx fresh and keep world buffs on a majority of players for very long.

I feel world buffs are positive for raids. You have more risk coming into a raid and I feel it makes it alot of fun. Also outside of raid, it makes you have to coordinate with others and socialize instead of retail raid logging that has no interactions and is a absolute snooze feast.

Change classicwarcraftlogs to where it penalizes your performance for using world buffs. Easy fix. Take it up with them

They have the opposite effect, people socialize for the 15-20 minutes it takes to grab them then log off to save them for raid. As others have mentioned they also prevent you from doing things like queuing a bg before raid or going to go do some wpvp with your guildies, on raid day in any guild with world buffs nobody is online except for alts.

A lot of people even start buffing days in advance, with darkmoon faire coming next week I can guarantee some of you defending world buffs will have guild members that are already logging out tonight after raid with a buff or two, especially alliance guilds that want to get WCB for it.

This is a massive negative for the social aspect of the mmorpg as well as for the world in the game, so many less people are running around playing the game because they’re logged with buffs.

And as others said “just don’t get them” simply doesn’t cut it, as long as people are measured against people that do have them they’re non optional. The damage gain from them is insurmountable with any amount of skill.

Many people keep commenting that I must have a negative experience because of my guild or whatever, but it’s actually the opposite, we used to go all out every week for raid and buff logged to do it but recently shifted our focus to world bosses, now I buff on monday night or tuesday morning and it’s reminding me of why I played classic in the first place.


What you want is classic TBC. No world buffs, free Shattrath Flasks, Badge Gear. Why don’t you wait for that.

I dont wanna wait until September 2021