Remove World Buffs from Instances

DAY BEFORE RAID: Do a Tribute run, then grab Songflower (if I can). Better hope I don’t get randomly ganked in Felwood! If I can somehow magically manage this… Then I just log for the rest of the night so I don’t waste my buffs. I wouldn’t DARE actually play the game. Geez, what a waste that would be.

DAY OF RAID: Login on my alt parked in SW so I can keep a beat on the status of the Onyxia Head. Geez, I hope some rando didn’t drop the head without telling the entire server first. Log my main at the EXACT right time, grab the buff, then quickly log off again until raid time. Again, do NOT play the game. lol, that would just be silly.

DURING RAID: Ok, now I’m completely terrified of dying. I guess that’s a pretty authentic RP experience, but damn is it ever stressful. There’s nothing more soul crushing than getting blown up in the Vaelastrasz fight. Oh, you want me to taunt a loose add off the healer? What… AND RISK LOSING MY BUFFS?!?

This is silly. As long as they’re available, we kinda have to get them if we want to stay competitive. Please Just take them away for instanced content. This game would be SO much more enjoyable without them.

Content would be slightly more challenging. Warriors would scale more realistically. It would be a nerf to the min-maxing culture that is arguably sucking the life out of the game, and keep everyone on the same playing field.

They are world buffs. Let them remain in the world. But take them out of instances.

Pretty please!!


Dear blizzy,
I don’t like to make effort. Plz dumb down or QOL the game for me.


You don’t have to get them. If your guild requires that you do, find a better guild. It’s a little absurd to ask for the removal of something you don’t need to do because you don’t want to do it.


I agree OP


You do if you wanna be competitive. Nothing to do with my guild. :stuck_out_tongue:

Competitive in what? Pve? lol


World buffs are not necessary for any raid completion, they’re only for Big Numberz tryhards.


Fair point, but when the game is this easy, trying hard and being competitive with others is the only challenge I can get out of it.

Problem is if I can’t get these buffs, there’s zero chance of being competitive that whole week. :frowning:

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Just don’t get your buffs, wipe the raid on the first boss, then everyone is on the same page. Get creative with it! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Now there’s an idea…

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I agree find a better guild. It’s funny, classic is way less of a chore and a job than what retail is; and some of those folks that probably left for this reason might be the same ones employing you to grab world buffs before a raid… Little ironic.

Nobody is pressuring me to get buffs. I’m pressuring myself because I enjoy playing competitively! But the problem is that the buffs are annoying to get, largely out of my control and so good that I can’t be competitive without them.


Then i guess you did not really want a challenge?
A challenge would be doing something harder, not easier.

Can we stop asking for stuff that is not even remotely vanilla?
I know the answer will be no but…

You are doing this to yourself.

We don’t bother with any of those, head drops are announced on server discord in case anyone wants them.

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You act as though PvP is somehow more competitive, rather than just a reflection of time spent.

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OP you can always OP to not do them. The only downside is risk to your performance in front of your peers.

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If world buffs were the only thing that required effort I’d agree with you.But with the plethora of consumes needed to be farmed, gear to update and just stuff to do theres no reason why this couldn’t be feasible.

World buffs break raid encounters and destroy morale when/if someone makes a mistake.


You are doing it wrong. You get DM buffs first, pay 5g to hunter for buffs then go songlfower. Then get Ony buff. Also, you need an alt warlock at blasted lands so you can summon your main to turn in the quest for int buff/roids/etc It is also a good idea to have a mage have a portal open next to blasted land quest guy so you can turn in with leatrix plus addon auto quest return and take portal to avoid getting ganked.

EDIT: Bonus points for having alts with the valentine candy box/pages. They have 7 or 10 day duration, but they are “log-in” days. Being that they are alts that aren’t ever online, those will last for months.

Silly I know, but if you are the only one not doing it, council will decide you aren’t worthy of items.

They only matter if you’re trying to top the dps meters or warcraftlogs. They are far from necessary, but if you’re guild requires that you get those buffs and are not even in the top 100 guilds on warcraftlogs then they are just sweaty tryhards and you need to find a better guild.

I look at those buffs as a nice bonus, but will never go out of my way to get them. Dont know about your server but on mine just walk over to DM and at any given time there are dozens of hunters selling tribute loot and have no problem letting you in just for the buffs for a small tip. I hear people asking and receiving all day long as I’m farming DM:E. Sometimes when I’m done farming I’ll grab some buffs myself before calling it a night. If I feel like saving the buffs for a raid night then I just play on an alt.

You can save the buffs and still play the game :grin:

Hate to break this to you, but your guild got beat to World First… by like 15 years.