Remove Wintergrasp and Ashran

Ill upvote this. I dont care for wintergrasp but i can tolerate it. I however will not Cue again for 40 man untill ash can be blocked or removed.

Why not queue for the two you do like?

To get the random Epic Daily reward.

Your post said you no longer queue for fear of getting 50% of the queue. You aren’t getting any daily reward by not queuing.

Yes, CAPTAIN Obvious. Maybe not getting any daily reward is better than having to play through those BG’s?

Ashran is by far the worst BG. On top of the terrible design its also bugged to all hell. Alliance was finally winning one the other day, we got the blood elf mage dude in the tower to 3% and he started evading everything until we all wiped.

Obviously not obvious enough for you to comprehend…?

He said he used to queue when it was AV and IoC and that he does not any more. Thus no reward.

I asked why he doesn’t queue for the two battlegrounds he does like, for fun if he enjoyed them. Then he still experiences those two maps he enjoyed, gets some honor and HKs in the process.

He responded saying he doesn’t queue specific because of no bonus conquest, but he doesn’t get them anyway because he no longer queues.

Thus the net gain is he gets to play maps he enjoys, still gets the “epic experience” and earns some lesser rewards while having fun.

Do you get it now, captain misunderstood?

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Have a hard time taking the high road?
Sure the response to you was harsh, I agree, but did that warrant your attack. I sense a lot of pent up animosity.

The point is that i read the posts and they can easily be misconstrued. To me it sounds more like he doesn’t queue for epics at for stated reasons, and the reason he doesn’t queue for just the two is due to “no bonus” rewards therefore he only queues Normal where he can attain the reward. Essentially, whether or not he enjoys the other 2 is secondary to this person to the rewards. Hey , is my interpretation correct, who knows? only the poster knows and that’s the point.

Chill out brother, give yourself a break it’s been a tough few days :slight_smile:

I stopped queueing for epics today. It’s a sad day indeed.

Hopefully Blizz can swallow their pride and fix their mistake.

Cos conquest points, much like asking people to work for free.
Love only gets you so far :stuck_out_tongue:

That poster stated he is not queuing at all any more, so conquest is irrelevant. You get nothing by not queuing at all, you get enjoyment for queuing for bgs you enjoy.

Fun in a game, heh