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Feeling cute might kill Vexiona later… idk


Vexiona is down BRUGS

13 pulls for vexiona, come pull the hard bosses with us!

In need of Chad FIRE MAGE and Chad Warlock

LF more alphas

Need big DPS applications

BIG DPS Warlock apps needed. Apply now and get a ride in kushmor school buss.

LF more DPS

LF Warlocks and FIRE mages to finish off this tier have fun and start shadowlands with a good group of memers.

brug can someone show me the power of a firemage

Imagine messing interrupts in Xanesh. Can i get a bruh?

Account-wide essences next week, looking to recruit another 10 mages or so OMEGALUL.

The real 8/12M by killing RaDen and not Drestagath like a small energy guild. Kappa

all mages or bust… combust

Drestagath better be an easy boss or im gonna say some gamer words.

I make really good gumbo

Still around looking for pumper Range DPS and a Healer

vibeo gane

Still around and looking for Range dps and maybe a chad healer