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We are taking a week off for x-mas and after that we coming back for re-kills and stuff.

big brain fight requires big brain players

Still around and recruiting on a break through xmas week but getting ready for next patch. Looking for Warlock, Boomkin, Range dps and a healer

Happy Holidays! We still need more raiders :slight_smile:

New year is almost here and so we require some new raiders too. Join us for some fun raiding in the next tier and next expansion too.

get ziggy a mana battery

New year new Azshara kill…

Coming back online the day the new year begins! Re-kills and chill this Wednesday.

bumping for more deepz

We could use some people not of draft age.

Still around looking for Range dps and a healer for next tier.

Looking for a healer and warlock to have fun with next tier :slight_smile:

Well we are in the market looking for a Healer! We are not picky just need to be able to pump when its needed.

I might be down to heal

Still looking for Healer or DPS apply to the website or add me on Bnet.

Thanks for consideration

Still around looking for a healer and some range DPS

Must be using Twitch Emotes addon or guild chat is not gonna make any sense whatsoever OMEGALUL

As fancy said twitch emotes addon is mandatory to GAME in this guild

fancy is addicted to pain which is why he pugs 24/7 smh