Remove the votekick popup

Why are you fighting so hard against his suggestion? It would only improve the system and make getting kicked a little easier to accept that maybe you did do something wrong. It also removes some of the buttheadery but not all of course.

To the op, make the suggestion to blizzard through the in game options. Good suggestions are always welcomed.

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So you agree then that there are jerks in game who dont do what they should…or do what they shouldnt…such as kicking someone who didnt do anything to be kicked.

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So you think kicking the healer for not healing wasn’t justified?

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only one reason to fight against a positive change, such as moving the kick box popup.
Because if the system is changed its less easy to abuse.


The suggestion would cause other problems, in order for it to work, the players in that dungeon have to have a discussion about that player in front of them in chat.

You should be able to see why that would be a problem in a dungeon.

Also, it would do nothing to solve the biggest issues of abuse anyway, those when friends or guild mates queue together and control the majority.

How can we know that was the case? You could have been pulling the whole instance, dying and blaming the healer for not keeping you alive.

So you think if we’re talking about kicking someone its not a good idea to maybe include that person in on the exchange to…oh…i dont know…maybe determine if its something they might not even be aware of?

kicked players should have a right to know why they are being kicked since most likely they are going to be the ones with that joke half hour timer.


im sorry, but at what point have I ever said that players who sign up to do a role shoudnt do that role?
OH…thats right…never said it.

I dont believe in abusing the vote kick…and if you sign up to do a job you DO that job.
I personally dont believe in wasting the time of four other human beings like some clearly do.


Most of the cases would be fixed with some communication instead of ending up in a ninja kick.
Guess what, when there’s a playing issue it can get fixed by pointing it out. Votekick is (ab)used mostly to bother a player than for legit gameplay reasons.

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I did an edit to that.

This system would fix nothing and just create a bunch of conflict in dungeons and no one gets a deserter debuff unless they get kicked before the first boss.

Just like I never said i support bad behavior.

Anyhow I am bored of you, this conversation is only going back and forth and nowhere. So have a good day nice chatting with you.

But you do and you were defending it? Even saying it’s working correctly and as intended?


Most. Probably. Not all.
That one tank I mentioned had initially tried to kick me because my DPS was more than twice his.
He was trying to showboat for us all and it blew up in his face and apparently he tried a couple times to kick me. Then when that failed he started spamming vote kicks against the healer saying his healing sucked.

Well, I always watch health bars. Always. Because I know if the healer dies we may all die. If the tank dies, we may all die. So I watch everyones health to see If I need to heal someone real quick…which happens a lot more than one would think, especially in classic runs. Or if I need to use my pet to pull the boss off the tank for a couple seconds if hes about to die
So I know factually that this healer was doing an outstanding job.
The tank was being a spoiled child who WAS trying to ABUSE the vote kick system in a way it was NOT designed for…kicking someone just 'cus muh wunt 2"

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It is a worthless suggestion anyway. These guys would be back next week still complaining about this if blizzard implemented it. If people want a player gone that player will be gone.

No, it wouldn’t, not any more than already exist anyway. It still allows a vote to kick but in an open and more friendly way. The discussion doesn’t even have to take place and it still outweighs what we currently have.

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exactly that.

It isn’t an improvement - it wouldn’t work and I don’t care if blizzard implements it because you guys will be back on here complaining about this after anyway.

Because blizzard cant do what they need to do now. They dont have the manpower to figure out who did what wrong with hundreds of vote kicks where someone said they were kicked unjustly.
Cheaper to just turn the kids loose with the kick tool and look the other way.

Sure it would help.

  • 2 votes per daily reset. If you need more than that its likely you are abusing the system.
  • move the box out of the center of the screen so players arent inclined to just click something to get it out of their face.

Yeah…those would help. Your agreement not required.

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This was fun and all, same nonsense, different day…but I have a game to go play now.