Remove the votekick popup

I think I asked a question here.
Is someone going to answer it …or will the answer say too much?

at some point I’ll likely be following you over once im bored of playing MoP day after day.

The trouble is what they are telling you comes straight from blizzard blues - a number of them have said the same thing.

Think about this.

A group of 5 people go and do a dungeon. The system doesn’t allow them to remove a player. 4 of those people don’t want the 5th person in that dungeon. They can’t vote kick them, how do you think they will get rid of that person…

Were you able to figure out they will do things to make them leave ?

The votekick system is mostly to harass than to help mantain a healthy community behavior.
Heck, every rule in here supports the toxic people and punishes the decent players behaving correctly.

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Ive vote kicked a long list of tanks and bad DPS players.
Oddly enough, Ive never had to try to kick a healer.

But you are there, how can it not be toxic considering all the toxic things you do in this game if you are to be believed.

I got it…enable collision and just keep pushing them off the edge or out the instance! ha!

I was in a group that kicked the healer because she wouldn’t heal my goblin hunter because she didn’t like my name.

The difference is in doing it on purpose, knowing it is wrong as a retailation and being inherently toxic and not being aware of it, like many posters in this thread and most players in the game.
The ambient there is civil and healthy, therefore I am.
The ambient here is filled with toxicity, therefore I am because if you try to fight it back you get punished.

There are lots of ways to harass players that aren’t reportable in a dungeon. You named one of the right below this post I am quoting, i.e not healing someone letting them die, misdirecting to them, etc.

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If there’s one thing I’ve learned from treads like this is the the person kicked is completely innocent, being the top dps, healer and holding aggro for the group, carrying everyone while the tank and healer were off being meanie poopy heads and then blam out of no where they get kicked for absolutely no reason

Seriously because you are being toxic on purpose, that is your justification ?

he is a troll just ignore him, i do

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It’s against the rules in here NOT being toxic

Good point that youre trying to make…dont get me wrong, but I seriously doubt that Blizzards intent was for the system to be used like these folks are claiming.

If it were truly about being ok with abusing it, the kick would only need one vote.
Needing three means that they BELIEVED that if three people were in agreement that the kicked player had done something worthy of kicking.
What they didnt probably think would happen is the way people try to time it right so you just click without thinking to get that stupid box out of your face.

if they moved the box OUT of the center of the screen, my guess is that some of the abuses would end.
Limiting us to TWO votes to kick per daily reset would end a lot more abuses.

If these others are correct and the vote isnt being abused…then two votes per day is MORE than sufficient.
If youre kicking more than twice in a day its one of those mirror things someone else mentioned above. It likely you who is the problem.

They can change it to limit the abuse of the CLEAR intent of the vote kick feature, though I doubt that they will
They leave it vague so you cant really go complain to blizzard about it “cuz we dont care how they use it” :roll_eyes:


Yes, i know he is trolling but I used up my reports…

continues to munch on popcorn

Anybody want some? This is some entertainment gold here…

And what Ive learned here is that we have a LOT of people who clearly are incapable of looking at something and discerning why it exists. They’d prefer playing lawyer and seeing what exactly they can get away with in using it.


You guys are justifying (ab)using the vote kick system to annoy players, what difference is between you and I?
Pretty much none.
Oh hold up, there is a difference.
I feel bad and think it’s wrong it can be abused like this, you guys think it’s working correctly and anyone can kick for any random reason.

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