Remove the votekick popup

Damn blizz and their rule lawyering of their own rules stating you can’t abuse the v2k

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I always assume that people who are defending bad behavior are likely involved in it.
If someone were defending theft, Id immediately assume I needed to watch my wallet.
Its psychology 101

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So the rules only apply when you agree with them?

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“They are vague with the rules for the sole reason that IF they make it a violation to kick someone unjustly they then have to devote hundreds of man hours trying to figure out who was wrong and what the punishment is.”

Nope. We are stating what the blues have said is the intended purpose of the vote kick system. Just because you don’t like the reason doesn’t mean it’s ‘rules lawyering’ and seriously you can’t rule’s lawyer in a MMO online game. That is not how rule lawyering works… sheesh learn to D&D


No they straight up said you can initiate a kick for any reason or no reason at all

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Yeah it’s only 5 people/week, because right when the weekly pops it’s when people is the most in a hurry and get the most angry and frustrated.
Do the whole run, right before it’s over…
Votekick because we feel like it.
It’s the biggest fun we can get in BfA!


No…what youre actually doing is defending abuse of a system that clearly IS intended to remove problem players.

So I’ll ask you all a question and please dont make childish deflections.

Is it the INTENT of the vote kick system to vote kick someone because you dont like their transmogs BEFORE anyone has even moved to start the run?
A simple yes or no will suffice.
And your answer will either prove that you DO believe the system can be abused…or it will expose the likelyhood that youre one who absuses it .


There’s nothing wrong with the current system. Out of all of the vote kicks I’ve been part of I’ve only seen a handful that I would consider abuse. The overwhelmingly vast majority have been well deserved.

I really do wonder how annoying and awful of a player you must be to get removed from groups regularly.


I don’t know anyone who votes ‘yes’ just because. It’s a claim very often made on these forums but it doesn’t actually happen. If people kicked you its because they wanted you gone.


Please don’t even pretend you have an education above high school. I never defended bad behavior, I am defending the VTK system.

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I vote instant yes when the votekick goes to a melee class, regardless of what they did.
If it’s melee it’s always good for them to be gone :slight_smile:

It is the intent of the system to allow a group of players to remove another player from that group for whatever reason they deem fit. If it’s transmog, race, class, behaviour, language or any other reason under the sun.

That clear enough for you?

yeah…I saw one tank demanding we kick the healer right before the last boss.
huh…what happens if you finish the dungeon? Oh…thats right…you get that sweet bonus experience.
The tank literally sat down and refused to pull unless we agreed to kick the healer who had kept us all alive on one of the absolute hardest spots Ive seen in a classic dungeon.
Absolutely amazing job he did.
The tank was a spoiled, petulant baby who felt slighted over his crappy DPS performance and wanted to take it out on someone…AnYone.

He finally pulled off the run and we finished it without a tank. The healer was fine.

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That’s the best part!
Sometimes we queue island expeditions just to kick people right before it’s over.
Isn’t it awesome how Blizzard rules allow it to happen?
We can’t even feel bad or guilty because we’re not doing anything wrong/against the rules :smiley:

If this happened then I would kick the tank

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Already answered…like four times now. That answer wont change no matter how many times you repeat yourself.

"So youre saying that blizzard jokers woke up one day and thought “hey…lets insert some feature that will make it so players can…tee hee…just kick anyone for any reason whatsoever…and lets also give that inncent kicked player a 30 minute timeout just to really waste his time”

They are vague with the rules for the sole reason that IF they make it a violation to kick someone unjustly they then have to devote hundreds of man hours trying to figure out who was wrong and what the punishment is.
They are laying people off. They dont have TIME to moderate between kicked players and the kicker.

They created the vote kick to remove players who for whatever reason are a REAL hindrance to the game.
Kinda odd that some of you are unable to discern that, but it does make sense when reading your posts."

Followed up by a very fast trip to my ignore list.


Worry not I’m enjoying my time in FF, it has a wholesome community and not even 1% the toxicity of this one.
As expected from a Japanese game.