Remove the votekick popup

If 3 people voted you out it was a legitimate kick no rules were broken.

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Do you even run dungeons?
Youre hardly in a position to tell me what Im seeing when I run maybe a dozen dungeons in a day, NOT hundreds.
Probably a full 10-15% of the runs I get into have that one joker who is trying to kick someone for no reason.
Im not blind or stupid friend. I know what I see.

So it works as intended then, the childish tank didn’t manage to get random person voted kicked, proving that there is nothing wrong with the system… and the group can still vote to kick the disruptive tank who is spoiling the run.

Seems like the system works as intended. AKA as I pointed out, the vast majority of players are not idiots and mindlessly vote kicking.

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I think this thread has exhausted any chance of having a useful or relevant discussion, so, with that in mind…



Sorry but thats just stupid.
The vote kick is there to remove problematic players. NOT to kick you over your mogs or because four guildies were using you to get into a 5 man…both which I have seen with my own eyes.
Sorry but that IS ABUSE of the INTENT of the system.
Youre making me think that its likely that youre one of the players abusing the system, quite frankly.

I already told you I did over 500 in legion and rarely did anyone even get kicked let alone not deserving it.

Are you claiming that all of a sudden people are getting kicked this expansion in a different ratio than previous expansions ? Why would that be ?

And no I don’t do a lot of dungeons but if this happens as frequently at you say I should have seen this at least a couple of times this expansion and I haven’t. I literally haven’t seen anybody kicked in a dungeon this expansion.

uh…except I never said that the tank didnt get someone kicked.
Many times they time it so that popup comes up at an inopportune second and players just click it to get it off their screen.
ive seen TONS of players kicked for no just cause.

I got kicked ONE time: because the guys couldn’t be bothered to wait for one of their guildies. Back in Cata BEFORE this current system was a thing.

I don’t recall yelling bloody murder.

What we have now is better.

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No, sorry. That’s not an accurate assumption to make.

I’m from Moonguard. I get kicked out of dungeons for being FROM Moonguard. And it happens frequently.

(I’d link you screen shot evidence but apparently it won’t let me post if I do??)

Not exactly. While that is part of it’s purpose, a group has a right to vote people off the team for any reason. Basically if there are two people grouped when they zone in, it takes all 4 people to agree to vote kick the 5th. And if a group doesn’t want someone in that particular group they have every right to remove them. Fair? depends on the definition of fair honestly.

It’s better than not being able to kick people who are disruptive, or having one person only in control of who is allowed to remain in the group.

The Vote Kick system was introduced in Patch 3.3 with the [Dungeon Finder]Tools. It can be used to remove a player when a majority of the group as a whole believes that replacing the player is in the best interests of the dungeon group.
Using the Vote Kick feature too often will not allow a player to initiate a Vote Kick for 2 hours.

There is nothing in there that specifically says problematic players.


Dont care what you claim you saw, friend.
Im not blind or stupid.
I know what I see when Im running randoms a lot.
As stated…about 10-15% of the runs Im in has that one rumpnut johnny joker who ABUSES the vote kick just because he can.
Ive seen them initiate a vote over and over and over to keep player so annoyed they just go along with it to shut the idiot up.

They need to show who is initiating the vote so we know who to kick instead.

Yeah, Im betting my assessment of you is correct.
Rules lawyering here doesnt help your case…it only proves to me that you are likely one of those who is abusing the vote kick yourself.

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And I don’t believe you either.

No one else in this thread is seeing these at the same frequencies you are either.

So guess what your ‘claim’ is worthless.

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When I’m bored doing Island Expeditions I always votekick someone I don’t like or just to have fun with reactions.
I always run with a friend so our decision is absolute and we can do whatever we want with the system.
Yep, nothing wrong with it. I hope it’s not changed otherwise I can no longer kick people just for laughs :<

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You assume too much, and you know what they say about assuming. I am just playing devils advocate. The system works, yes there are mean people but as whole the system currently in place has/is been working.

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Blues have already said you can initiate a kick for any reason or no reason at all. You can’t abuse the v2k feature

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Again…rules lawyering.
So youre saying that blizzard jokers woke up one day and thought “hey…lets insert some feature that will make it so players can…tee hee…just kick anyone for any reason whatsoever…and lets also give that inncent kicked player a 30 minute timeout just to really waste his time”

They are vague with the rules for the sole reason that IF they make it a violation to kick someone unjustly they then have to devote hundreds of man hours trying to figure out who was wrong and what the punishment is.
They are laying people off. They dont have TIME to moderate between kicked players and the kicker.

They created the vote kick to remove players who for whatever reason are a REAL hindrance to the game.
Kinda odd that some of you are unable to discern that, but it does make sense when reading your posts.

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Yes well you are quitting - remember ? We don’t have to worry about you. You can take that toxic behavior with you to FF, I am sure you will get what’s coming to you there.

rules lawyering
"So youre saying that blizzard jokers woke up one day and thought “hey…lets insert some feature that will make it so players can…tee hee…just kick anyone for any reason whatsoever…and lets also give that inncent kicked player a 30 minute timeout just to really waste his time”

They are vague with the rules for the sole reason that IF they make it a violation to kick someone unjustly they then have to devote hundreds of man hours trying to figure out who was wrong and what the punishment is.
They are laying people off. They dont have TIME to moderate between kicked players and the kicker.

They created the vote kick to remove players who for whatever reason are a REAL hindrance to the game.
Kinda odd that some of you are unable to discern that, but it does make sense when reading your posts."