Also, for all of you asking for untimed M+. They are looking in to an option with Shadowlands. It’s called Torghast.
Wait for that see how that feels and what becomes of it. I’m sure blizz will use that for future ideas.
Also, for all of you asking for untimed M+. They are looking in to an option with Shadowlands. It’s called Torghast.
Wait for that see how that feels and what becomes of it. I’m sure blizz will use that for future ideas.
Just raid then? Having the hard stuff added to the trash and the bosses like M+ does gives you an overall more difficult (and satisfying to complete) encounter. With or without timing it.
This sounds great. I’d love this.
You dont really care though because you wont be doing untimed m+ anyway. Trash could still have mechanics, but the bosses would be harder. It works for raids and dungeons alike.
Yes really. Look at any VoD of the fight and tell me it’s ~5-6 seconds. Not even close!
Sounds like you’re the only caster on the team then. Because if there is more than one person in the middle that strategy becomes untenable.
To be clearer the struggle was on a caster team. Meaning tank / healer / caster / caster / caster. All hard casts as well. So Vol’kaal was a massive pain in the rear.
Yes I would care. I would be doing untimed dungeons the first week. Me and my boys would push the untimed key up to a 15. Then we would get one guildie in at a time and do the 15 for them.
We would get a 16 and instantly knock it down to a 15. We would get another guildie in and repeat. The entire guild raid would have a mythic level item (choosable in SL). Not to mention all of the loot we’d get along the way.
We wouldn’t raid the first week - all of our time would be in untimed m+. Then the second week we would get aotc on the first or second night and we might get an upgrade for a single person in the raid every 5-6 bosses. And it would be trinkets only.
Ive done it on quad caster groups as well! You just have to make little squares of the green stuff. Overlap them as much as you can. You obviously can’t all stack on the same spot but you should still be fine unless you’re all running amok dropping it all over the place!
Yazma is much harder because since you either need to all stack on the tank and move with him or just deal with spiders chasing people in every direction… makes it very very hard
Idk the exact time of it to be fair but you should be able to get at least 2 casts off before the next one.
The bosses would be difficult enough to justify +15 gear. If you want to run untimed, feel free, but you don’t have to. You could spam out +15s in untimed as you could spam them out in timed.
This is just subject to the balance team.
I’d love to see a video of this.
I’m telling you that if the bosses were hard enough that my team couldn’t do it untimed in the first week of the expansion then many many casuals would never set foot in it because it would just be impossible for them.
The difference right now is that for me to get a single 15 in the first week I would have to push it up and beat the timer on every other level first, which would be very difficult in bad gear. Not so if I don’t have to worry about the timer.
Then when carrying the guildie we would have to deplete the 15, knock back to a 14 and time that again. Very hard. In untimed you don’t have to worry about any of that. This model just wouldn’t work, you need to think of another idea and come back to me with it instead of the same old stuff that I have explained clearly and definitively would not work.
I don’t stream unfortunately. You have to remember that if the tank is the only one under the boss then he doesn’t need to kite the boss in a big circle. Since it’s only dropping under him, he only needs to take a step back every few seconds. He will end up probably only taking up one side of the triangle if he’s good. And the ranged have access to the rest of the whole room
Casuals can decide what difficulty they can set it on appropriate to their skill level. That’s what the scaling difficulty is for.
Bosses in untimed would have a difficulty such that pushing it up would also be very difficult in bad gear.
I don’t think you understand the point of m+ if you want the timer removed. It is the main appeal to them. You do realize though, you don’t have to do the timer. You just won’t get the extra loot but you still get a completion and the weekly cache.
Find a group who doesn’t care about the timer.
There is your solution.
These statements seem to conflict.
Please explain how you would make bosses so difficult that I couldn’t do it in 440 gear, but that casuals could do weeks later at 460? Loot from 15s would be 465 so that’s the only source of upgrade anymore so they would have to set it to that difficulty.
I could do 15s right now in 440 but I guarantee you most casuals couldn’t even if they were 470. Or if they could it would take them absolutely forever.
I don’t understand how you think this would work?
I guess I can word it better. Essentially, casuals would just do lower keys if they can’t beat the bosses in higher keys.
What do they do when they cap out in gear? They’re 460 now and can’t go any further because it’s so brutally difficult. Can’t gear up anymore at all…
The problem for me here is taking someone’s word for it. Having failed so many times on my caster crew and seeing that every VoD of this encounter involved a 2/3rds melee or no range split.
All the best evidence for beating this encounter on high keys (yeah I know I don’t have to do high keys) is to stack on the tank and keep moving. This makes the fight so easy for melee but for obvious reasons sucks on a caster comp.
I don’t know what you’re so confused about. Untimed m+ would have its own key system. Casuals who are either not geared or not skilled enough to do a higher key will end up in a lower key, until theyre able to do a higher key.
It’s not gonna boggle Blizzard’s balancing team.
I think that you’re coming from the point of view of watching triple melee or only one range because that’s the meta. It is perfectly doable with any comp in game. Ive done it on my rdru with an ele, boomy and lock. Extremely bad comp haha but we didn’t have any particular problem. Yeah we whined about dmg being interrupted but it wasn’t a real problem