Remove the timer from m+ in Shadowlands

confidentially? do you mean confidently? As for everything you’re saying… yes. I want dungeons to be difficult so when you beat them its not oh I beat the timer woohoo! I want it to scale so gear means nothing only strategy… yes you get rewarded but you have to have your crap together and think before you shoot.

And there’s your problem. Dungeons don’t become difficult until +18.

Your argument right now is equivalent to asking for the removal of Mythic raids because you thought the mechanics were too easy on Normal.

You’ve never even done the content how can you say it’s easy? You ever had to pull 150k hps single target and use every defensive while calling for health pots and party cds on a tyrannical 20 KR boss? Try telling me it’s easy after you do

Uhh you have to move one step every ~5-6 seconds on volkal? If you can’t plan and handle that as a caster idk what to tell you. There isn’t a single dungeon boss in this game that seriously affects casters and some that favor them (Rezan)

Once again saying m+ requires no strategy is extraordinarily ignorant of how m+ works. What you’re looking for is right there, you just either aren’t willing or aren’t good enough to get to that point

Yes I understand its difficult at that level. I like the varying degrees of difficulty what I want is harder more technical strategic fights with no timer. Hell I’d be happy if each boss fight lasted an hour. I used to love running 24 hour AV’s

It’s not ~5-6 seconds. It’s far more frequent than that.

All I want is timer removal with scaling fights that’s it. It’s all gear dependent I don’t like that.

Not really. Coming from someone who frequently plays a caster in 20+ keys, volkals mechanics are pretty easy to deal with. It happens about once every 2/3 casts - 5 seconds… Maybe every 4. And you have to take one step to the side.

If you are struggling as a caster, some tips I would give you are to not move with the tank, but to stand by yourself in the middle, that way you can just move a little bit. You should be able to do well over 60k on him if you’re playing ele (I know this cause an ele is on my main team)

I’m not struggling. I had my gear up to 455. What I don’t like is the rush, rush mentality. Lets agree to disagree. You like that… that’s fine. I don’t and other people don’t. So solution give players like me a version without a timer… that won’t happen though because all this mythic timer crap is an ego trip and that’s it nothing more.

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I can tell you how non timed runs will go.

There will be extremely limited challenge. If you can take as long as you want then eventually dungeons will just become - poly one add, root the other, pull one and slowly kill him. Then repeat. I don’t think anyone would find that fun.

Eventually it would become required to wait for lust on every pack if you wanted to progress. Very few people would be willing to wait the hours to do this, so pushing keys would essentially be deleted from the game. You’d get to your 15 and stop. No one would do less than that cause there’s no challenge AT ALL anymore.

Thinking m+ is gear dependant is simply wrong. I could be 460 ilvl and you could be 475 and I would be able to push higher keys than you. Not because I think I’m any better but because I know the pulls, I know the strats, I know the routes and I know the cc. Gear matters basically at 23s and above. Before that you’re chilling

Ah not talking to you, was talking to the shaman here. Also 455 isn’t really high… and it won’t happen because it would break heroic raiding not because it’s an ego trip lol

Delete esport only people who disagree in this thread are carriers anyways and those who tell git gud to other people. We don’t care if they unsub they a minority.

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Like I said make two versions of it if its not an ego trip then you can do your version and I can do the version I want.

Bursting is easier the higher the key gets, at his +7s it’s going to be really difficult because they don’t know how to deal with the stacks properly and things die too quickly.

Agreed, the reason i’m not pushing as high as others is experience and personal skill level.

That’s what this whole thread has been about.

You can’t because people would farm full 465 in the first week. Untimed would make this too easy. Guilds would get aotc on their first or second night.

There have been some good suggestions for alternatives so far, but would probably take a lot of work to implement.

Very true. It’s understandable that people get upset about this, but don’t come and call for nerfs to Mythic if you’re only doing Normal content

Also second comment is absolutely correct, most people just choose to willfully ignore that though

Just make the bosses harder. Bosses should be much harder than trash anyway.

The idea that Blizz cant balance untimed content to be worth the rewards is stupid. :joy: Of course they can.

Once again, then dungeons would just become raids with trivial trash in between bosses. We already have raids for that.

And if you wanted to make bosses so hard that good players couldnt farm them in the first week, then casual players would never be able to enter M+ because it would be so horrifically hard for them

The untimed version is there already. You don’t have to complete the run in time.