That’s always been bologna.
Any time one faction is doing slightly better the racial boogey man comes in to the conversation.
Which probably is a bit of it.
But the real truth is Horde has defeated themselves mentally. They don’t even try to fight or go for crates because they think they’ll lose. There’s no fight in them or drive to gather a group.
Alliance didn’t even keel over this quickly back when they actually were massively outnumbered.
Despite the fact that I lose out on the loot, I love seeing the horde team up to defend and win a crate.
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I really do feel like it has to be something along these lines, but it’s absolutely ridiculous to see on Tuesdays that every crate its 10:1 Alliance:Horde on crates, and only slightly better on other days. The zones are populated, people just don’t pursue them, so it’s probably a matter of actually making it a goal that people are willing to fight over.
Still I do feel like I want to blame someone for this mess.
Blizz could help by making the war crates a quest objective criteria for the Sparks quests. It could be one of multiple secondary but necessary objectives aside from just the sparks themselves. It’d at least retrain the population to pay attention or look at the crates when they come onto the scene.
The crates need work.
The fact they become capturable as soon as they reach their drop point makes it hard to get them or fight over them, it rewards people for being close/faster over combat often.
I’ve had groups out specifically hunting crates, lose them for this reason to like one person. It’s not fun.
They need to go back to how they were BFA/df where they dropped to the ground and gave time to get there.
Sparks of War should have no pve ways to get sparks.
Kills and War Crates should be it. Folks going out digging up dirt piles is lame.
To be fair, you saw how crazy outnumbered Horde were that one time we were in a group on a non-RP shard. We almost lost that crate vs a bunch of rando Alliance who likely weren’t grouped like we were. Even though they slightly outnumbered us, we won yes, but the reality is, if you guys werent there the Horde would’ve lost that crate like they do all the other times they’re outnumbered.
Personally I wont jump in to fight a crate if I see on my WeizPvP that there’s 20+ Alliance and only like 5-6 Horde nearby lol
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Well my thing is, Horde just needs to group. Like FLAK tries to do. People are resistant to it tho.
Alliance being outnumbered is why things like Cryptids and RUIN etc started popping off around WoD. They started grouping to be able to do stuff.
We’ve got to do that until Horde starts getting that fight back in them.
Been doing pretty good on the WRA shards when we group, but things have just slowed down in general since its later in the season.
Blizzard needs to crack down on Shard hopping or just remove sharding entirely on PvP Servers.
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Towards Alliance?! LOLOLOLOL
Listen man, if you want drops make a group and go fight for it. DPS’ing the forums isn’t going to help at all.
Shard hopping is insane. It is ridiculous that you can be searching every inch of a zone looking for alliance and then AS SOON AS THE CRATE DROPS there are 15 - 20 of them there and NONE of them are from your server.
Once they get it they all shard away. So you can’t kill any at the sparks quests because they aren’t around, but you will never get a crate because they show up.
So Blizz has to leave in non-kill ways to complete the shard quest or low pop servers (for any side) would never be able to complete it.
Hehe suppy drops. but on the fr fr Horde never seems to get them when I’m doing world pvp just because of the sheer amount of Alliance numbers > Horde.
Not sure what they will do, if anything to try and help remediate the issue.
I’ve been levelling two characters over the past 4 weeks through dragonflight zones and stopped counting consecutive crates lost to overwhelming alliance numbers at 100. My loss rate as a dps queue in random BGs at max level is about 80%. I don’t presume to go beyond average / above average in skill but it seems like I’m one of the last Horde-holdouts actually making an effort as my healing queue for BGs as a mistweaver geared / gemmed / embellished for DPS is much better: seemingly indicating I can improve the win rate in a more critical role. There is definitely a lack of effort over the perception of hopelessness but it’s not as if those sentiments came about without real causes.
I know PvP is some kind of design afterthought and all but this has been a rather abysmal experience. I really don’t care to pay for a character transfer as monetarily rewarding bad design is the one piece of surrendered dignity I just can’t stomache. Having robust, perceivably balanced, and enjoyable pvp is one of the aspects of gameplay that will pay dividends in player engagement compared to the design overhead in cooking up new zones / raids and content for players to chew through.
Letting persistent problems on the PvP side of the game fester in negligence is such a sad state for WoW and being that WoW is my primary Blizzard game played (primary game played at all, actually) it has fueled my decision to refuse to purchase any other Blizzard properties (like skipping d4) until flagship properties stop demonstrating gross negligence in gameplay experiences with a deafening silence of acknowledgement.
Another crate dropped in the ringing deeps during this message and I was promptly destroyed 1v5 trying to beat the alliance mob to the punch.
Yeah blizzard does not really care about pvp balance as they would nerf night elves as they run rampant in the PVP ladders.
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He says while on a Dracthyr.
They should just disable racials in Rated. Disable most things tbh.
Random BGs and World is where you should be able to just go ham with whatever.
To be fair, Dracthyr racials were nerfed before they rolled out the race to be available to other classes.
They really aren’t that crazy. The jump and glide are nice but thats about it. I’d say Night Elf racial is partly to blame for the imbalance we have. It’s the top played race on both Alliance and Horde in PvP. It’s also up there with the Dwarf racial in M+.
Eh, the problem with disabling them in Rated PvP though is that people will get so accustomed to using them in PvE and WPvP that it would feel so bad to suddenly lose access to them in Rated PvP.
Like for example, if I’m testing on PvP target dummies and part of my burst rotation involves using Berserking, it’s gonna feel terrible to have that ability disabled in Rated matches.
I love that some racials help close the gap where certain classes fall short, but Blizzard needs to find a better balance. All racials should offer comparable benefits, rather than having one, like Shadowmeld, stand out so significantly.
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