Remove race/class restrictions

don’t misunderstand me here, the Factions should still exist,
the races just shouldn’t be locked to a specific faction.
everyone is the pandaren now, able to choose between the two.

yeah you’d get the people who’d whine about seeing a Worgen in a Horde tabard or a Orc in an Alliance one,
but who cares about them? let them whine,
I’ll grab the popcorn.

same thing goes for the people who’d whine about Undead Pallys or Human Shaman

Remove race:


Go back to Duskwood, wolf boys.

(I was gonna say “wolf boys and girls” but the girls can stay.)

It’s a no from me. Remove faction locks from pve, though.

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Eh, I disagree. It’s a lot better to just axe the faction divide than have the races show up anyway. It wouldn’t make sense lore wise to have Orcs and Humans together, but the Horde and Alliance are still fighting. Rather just be done with the pointless faction war or at least let the players choose whether they want to be faction oriented or not (I.E. make War Mode “Faction Mode” and outside of War Mode, screw factions).


It is a core part of the genre you’re playing. Blizzard has been incredibly liberal with the races and I feel they’ve met a fair balance with a few exceptions.

Uh huh and others have some different lines drawn in the sand.

When have they ever restricted a spec to/from a race?

The only reason you’ve provided is basically “Because why not?” For a self proclaimed lore nerd you should understand that there are plenty of combos that just don’t make sense even for the races in the game that its lore is flexible.

Overall I doubt it ever going to happen because I don’t think they’re going to make:

Totems for each race
Druid forms for each race
Make Paladin mounts for each race
Rig the other races able to move like demon hunters

Then continue that with each new race they come out with? (assuming they continue making races)


Honestly, the way I would RP that would be one of two ways. The Goblin is more interested in money and they use the powers of nature and rebirth to promote conservation efforts… for a price. Doing the right thing for very wrong reasons.

Alternatively, I could see a goblin druid believing in things like (not so) controlled fires to stop wildfires (which could cut into profit)!

Definitely weird, but I think you could probably RP something like that.

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Draeni being Warlocks is completely backwards.

Hard Pass.


The reasoning is lore, and there are plenty of combinations that would break it. Lightforged shadow priests and void elf holy/disc priest exist purely for gameplay reasons. Their canon specs are holy priests for Lightforged and shadow priests for void elves. It would have been silly to not give those races priest because of the specs that DO comply with it.

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can’t profit from exploiting resources if there are no resources to exploit

all the justification required for Goblin Druid…if you really needed it…

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It’s another version of the “Elf problem”… like, how in lore, elves are these rare and elegant beings, mysterious and aloof… and in game, they make up like 60% of the total population. It kind of kills the mystique when there’s one dancing on every mailbox.

You could theoretically come up with a lore reason why any individual member of a race would be any class… but if you allowed it, you’d never have just one exceptional individual, you’d have swarms of them doing that, and it kills what little identity there is for any given class or race. Like with elves, it’s fine when one person does it, but when EVERYONE does it, it kinda deflates the atmosphere.

Yes and no.

Yes restrictions should be lifted because with every race and class mingling every race should have access to that class’s training.

While no because how some races are written giving them access to a certain class is against that races belief. Unless Blizz retcons that belief or that race and class exclusively goes Horde to get around that standing belief.

Probably. That or something along the lines of reclamation. Only thing is I hate the idea of divine or semi-divine powers lending aid on a consistent basis to someone who does not have said powers best interest in mind. That being said, while the Emerald Nightmare is pretty much bust at this point, powerful spirits afflicted by it probably wouldn’t take issues with lending aid. It would take a little bit of explanation but doable.

While controversial, I honestly think this is the future that WoW will be heading…

Easy to implement, will definitely revive subs at basically no extra cost from Blizzard… let’s be real, it’s easy, lazy and will make money, generate a lot of race changes or even faction changes… easy money, yes some people will be outraged but will that weigh out more potential income??..

I don’t think we will be getting new classes anymore…just more combinations going forward and it hurts to say that, but we all know money is what fuels the decisions now at Blizzard.

There are many class combinations I can easily think of explanations for.

I have wanted a self-rezzing, fire-and-lightning voodoo zombie with tombstone totems and ghostly Spirit Companions for 15 years and if opening all race/class combos is the only way to get my completely nonsensical undead shaman, I’m for it.

Honestly, given how the two have been on-again/off-again alliance several times over the year, and there is something of a mutual understanding between the two factions, I think it would be great to see the faction restrictions in the game.

Paladin Alliance Crusade like Kul’tirans, Void Elves, Night Elves, Worgens, and Gnomes Plz.

They should just unlock all of them at this point. It gives so many more RP possibilities. I also don’t think the devs should dictate our personal stories for our characters. If we want something unusual, we should be able to make it.


Nope. They’re there for a reason.

I do wish they would remove restrictions. Or at least have servers where it doesn’t matter for the people that don’t care. Some restrictions make little sense. Some make sense.

But ultimately it would be nice to have some servers where it doesn’t matter and we could enjoy the game for what it can offer to all races.

I would like to play some…
Night elf/nightborne shaman
Goblin monks
Undead shaman
Goblin paladin/druid
Pandaren warlock/druid/paladin
Maghar Druid/warlock
Blood Elf druid/shaman
Nightborne druid/shaman
Lightforged monks
Kultiran Paladins
Void elf shamans/druids
Worgen shamans
Gnome paladins
Mechagnome shamans!

Honestly it would have been fun to have lava and lightning on a mechagnome and other races.