Remove natural velf options

You’re right, Aethas was. Aethas was already on the Council, and used his position to try to rebuild burned bridges and bring Blood Elves back into Dalaran. And the Covenant’s creation was indeed a reactionary measure, taken by the High Elves to push out the Blood Elves.

While the Purge was indeed spur of the moment, the Covenant took advantage of that to help Jaina push out the Sunreavers, like they wanted from the beginning. The Silver Covenant was an Alliance group that wanted Dalaran out of Horde hands. By pushing it to the Alliance, they kept it out of Horde hands.

If they were not Alliance, or not opposed to the Horde, or entirely dedicated to the Kirin Tor, they would have no vested interest in involvement and in fact would have pushed back against Jaina. But it was, in fact, exactly what they wanted.

That’s a shocking turn of events, innit.

There is another lodge, Farstrider Lodge. Quel’danil Lodge is overtly meant as a communications outpost to foster relations with the Alliance-aligned Wildhammer, and allowed the settling of the Alliance-aligned Draenei, while the Alliance-aligned High Elves contributed to the conflict against the Horde in the Hinterlands, namely the Revantusk trolls and the Forsaken.

They are, in fact, the exact opposite of isolationist, considering they have been the most inviting of other races and it is their job to communicate with other races.

Because it didn’t come up. I can refute it though - he is there as the High Elven representative to the Sunwell Plateau when Quel’delar is restored. He did not appear further in the game, but that does not mean he is still standing there. I would assume it goes without explanation that a character would have a life outside of standing there for eternity to partake in one event.

He is there for one event only, in a sacred sight, as a representative. He is not there because he just feels like it. In fact, he is expressly unwelcome to Rommath and other Blood Elves, especially if the Silver Covenant are the ones who got Quel’delar. The Alliance are practically told to get the hell out for good measure.

To put this in perspective, let me make a comparison. Halford Wyrmbane’s last location was on a boat in Boralus overseeing a war effort with the Horde. Do you assume, by the same logic, he’s just sitting there doing the same old thing, fighting a war that’s currently in a ceasefire, because Blizzard just didn’t put him somewhere else or feature him elsewhere?

I don’t even know where this is coming from, I didn’t even mention eye colors. Eye colors don’t even define High Elf or Blood Elf, that’s entirely a question of political affiliation, lifestyle, and ideology.

This one actually stumps me because it’s so incoherent and bizarre I have to take several tries at grasping what is being said here.

The Lodges aren’t even in Quel’thalas. Of the three High Elf Lodges, they are in Lordaeron, the Hinterlands, and Loch Modan. None of this is “living in and fighting for their homeland” and the Blood Elves certainly had no involvement here. In fact, High Elves and Blood Elves have never coexisted in each others’ Lodges, let alone amicably fought together outside of forced unions in Legion or Rise of the Zandalari.

Find me any example of High Elves and Blood Elves living together “this whole time” because it most certainly isn’t in any Lodges.

Well, considering they only host Alliance, only support the Alliance, actively refuse anyone who is Horde, actively try to thwart anyone who is Horde, and then support exclusively the Alliance in fighting the Horde on the Isle of Thunder, I would think it’s pretty apparent that the Silver Covenant has, uh… a preference, I guess you could say.

I’m not going off of “individual interactions” when I’m literally explaining to you their interactions with the Horde and their affiliates. But at this point, you’re just being willfully obtuse.

Apparently Dalaran. Because they did that with both the Alliance and the Horde by granting them both enclaves in their city, in both Wrath and in Legion. Unless you want to tell me the Gilneans and the Forsaken in Legion joined the Kirin Tor all along and were just really patriotic neutrals.

If a dev did say that, then they were wrong. I know I’m coming out swinging when I call a dev wrong on the lore, but any dev who ignores the multitude of Alliance-only High Elven bases, outposts, and settlements that are densely populated with High Elves and then wonders where the High Elves went desperately needs to play their own game.

Edit: Of course, having typed this, I think I’ve made my point pretty abundantly clear, for having basically typed up a spur of the moment thesis on the validity of High Elves. That was productive of me.

And I’ve said my piece in a 1000 post long thread, so I think I’m going to get back to work. Have a nice day, everyone. Thanks for the new hair colors.


so you think 1 elf just strolls into dalaran and gets placed on the council by himself? he is either an extremely powerful mage(he isnt just play the mage class hall) or he leads a LARGE group of blood elves to secure a spot on the council prior to the start of the wrath

when it was time to rebuild dalaran some elves prioritized it over their homeland. the former dalaran mages. and they were led by aethas. i believe that contribution is how he got his council position. if youve got a better idea id love to hear it

and the proof is in the district they control. which was their old high elf district. and we know this because its identical to a flashback from a quest with kaelthas in it before it was destroyed during wc3

they rebuilt it exactly as it was. do you really think he returned alone and helped rebuilt their old district by himself?

its also the only place in dalaran even remotely high elven reflecting the people who live there

its identical to the architecture of silvermoon

the only high elven thing in the SC area is a memorial to alleria. no different then the antonidas or rhonin memorials

this is why aethas blows a gasket at jainas command to leave. he has far more claim to the city then her. they lived here before her and helped rebuild dalaran. jaina herself gives the sunreavers credit for teaching humans magic and being productive members of dalaran for thousands of years

the sunreavers and aethas were already there. theres no other explanation for a seat on the council and the district they control

but youre right he did try use his position to help rebuild relations with rommath and the magisters who cut ties at least. the ones vereesa distrusted who were back in silvermoon making alliances with the horde and sentencing farstriders to death by exile as renthar claims and mind controlling citizens to accept things as they are. but he didnt get them as he wanted but any magister that wanted to go back was allowed and aethas would be responsible for their welfare

vereesa and the SC were looking for revenge after theramore against magister types(sunreavers). it was the final straw for them. nothing to do with the alliance. i wont deny tho vereesa is an advocate for the kirin tor to support the alliance against the horde. but shes also tried to join the horde through sylvanas just like the blood elves too :woman_shrugging:

it has 1 damn elf

they exchange information for the wildhammers protection. without them the revantusk would have wiped them up by now. you really think the wildhammer would care about them if theyjust lived there and had nothing to offer? that a couple draenei found it peaceful changes what exactly?

it also doesnt mean he left. hes been gone for 30 years wth would he leave for anyway

wow this is a rarity among helfers. you get a cookie

i thought it was obvious they were still living in silvermoon. how the hell else do they get exiled BY THE BLOOD ELVES if they arent living with them

as for the SC helping out with the amani. they were all too eager to aid the farstriders. vereesa even says things like OUR ANCIENT ENEMY and MY HOMELAND TOO. she also mourns for a blood elf that dies trying to rescue alleria. but they hate each other according to you

look at that picture just above. the SC still answer the farstriders call and will even work with darkspear trolls to defend their people. please

read what you just typed. this is a joke

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You can quite literally see the disdain they have for each other in that screenshot, lmfao. And it is still her home. If the Sin’dorei lose it to the trolls or whatever other threat, she loses the chance of ever having it returned to her, her kin or whatever and the Alliance. And she’s definitely allied with the Alliance; she says she’s lost a king to the Horde and she also helped the Alliance siege Orgrimmar with Alleria in BfA.


I really do hope this topic dies down when 9.1.5 releases.

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Yeah let’s take away popular things related to elves so those few diehard alliance players come back to horde for their barbie elves. It’s not like that hasn’t been a complaint since inception. I say give them everything so they all move to alliance, meaning they’ve wanted that all along.

What will be left will be true horde. Nothing wrong with that, right?


Aren’t you supposed to be trolling on how you dislike role playing in a Role Playing Game, or did you forget what RPG means?

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Hi Fyre, still trying to twist it around to fit your own headcanon and narrative?

Want me to post what Byucknah posted to you?


The lore has been destroyed any way so this isn’t a big deal to me.

This is concrete evidence that antis bully people in their discord and group by forcing them to limit themselves to very narrow dialogues in the forums, providing single sentence answers to just voice their opposition to any sort of colour variety for Void elves, and prohibiting them from any sort of compromises or open dialogue to reach common, fruitful solutions.

Feyrre I’ve always appreciated and admired your posts as they were peaceful, free of conflict, and free of personal insults. I’m sorry that you are being treated this way from some people in your discord. We should feel free to voice our opinions without being threatened of being removed from a group.


Thank you for your kind words! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: to be fair and clarify though, everyone in both discord’s has always been very kind to me. It’s the forums where people get tricky. And as Fen said, there are hundreds of shades of opinions out there. Some fall on top of others, some starkly contrast others.


That’s good to hear. Remember that no matter which group you are in, you should be able to feel comfortable with expressing your opinions without fear of retaliation. No matter how big or small the matter is.


Just remember, here on the forums, we all may have a go at each other based on each other disagreements, but outside the forums, we all could be really good friends.

Just depends on the person to be honest. But I wouldn’t let Fyrebushe get in the way of you with how they think. All she does is troll and when she can’t get her own way, trolls harder. Not many people do take her seriously. Ok, there is some times where she can be a good person when it is away from topics about High or Blood Elves, but… that is rare

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No! Friendship bad! Fighting good.

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sorry i didnt see this reply earlier. ill just post this recent interaction between a pro and an anti and let people judge for themselves, this is how they usually go. one is clearly misrepresenting things

i see the disdain from vereesas dialogue toward lorthemars goon he sends in his place at her showing up to defend their people

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Why has this thread not been deleted for trolling. I’ve been banned for far less


Did they actually shrink Female Night Elves down? Or Night Elves in general? I haven’t noticed. I used to think they got taller back when they got the new models originally. But i agree they should be pretty tall. They should be the Alliance’s Warrior culture and be more like they were in WC3. They could even bulk the males up a bit too. Make them actually look on par and be a counterpart to some of the Horde races.

Worgen need an upright position. I tried playing on a while back and didn’t realize how short they looked due to the hunch. They look WAY shorter than they should. Just giving them a straight back option would probably make them look way more intimidating.

Also the females need some new face options. There’s really no variety or even the ability to look ferocious.

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The same problem as the Darkspear Trolls. Blizzard really needs to improve a lot.


No kidding!

because it isnt trolling obviously

Just because you disagree does not mean I’m trolling.

Thanks for all the support didn’t think it’d go this long woohoo