Remove natural velf options

Dear god is there a guide somewhere with the Karen bit in it?

Will you have a conversation like a normal human being and use the common tongue that includes more modern words to convey modern concepts, or will you continue to be self-indulgently rude and expect other to jump through hoops at your whim?

Yup, and the encyclopedia that listed them as practical extinct, scattered and cultureless not even a coherent people anymore.

So I rest my case.

You’re going to have to take that up with 2004 era Blizzard then.

You for real dude?

I’m not saying I expect it to happen. Just that by shying away from going all the way with the blood elf twist they kept a few generic elves around and see what’s become of that.

I told them the other night I wasn’t going to deal with his schtick since it’s rude, and they came in here tonight looking for trouble so I gave them back what he’s giving.

Some of you are saying this needs to be justified by the Void Elves getting the ability to better control their Voidisms but… it doesn’t, and I have no idea where this idea is coming from. If someone is running around with the normal looking skin and normal looking hair then they can be reasonably be assumed to be High Elves, not Void Elves. The two variants are just under the same umbrella in gameplay.

Why would this be? Because Blizzard has already done it.

The player character Dwarf is, canonically, a Bronzebeard. Right down to the heritage chain, that is what they are. And yet, with the customization overhaul, dwarves were given access to Wildhammer tattoos (as well as some more Bronzebeard-style tats). If someone uses the Wildhammer tats, the ones that we have noted as being Wildhammer since… forever, and their character is running around, we as players see them as Wildhammer. The intent behind the option is meant to have them be Wildhammer. But they’re not called ‘Wildhammer’ by the game, nor are they treated as such.

Same goes for Mag’har. If someone chooses a specific appearance, they’re not treated any different by the game, but they’re clearly meant to be from a certain clan and people recognize that.


the SC was established in dalaran with a pledge to serve it and the kirin tor. dalaran has nothing to do with the alliance besides being open to it. is an independent kingdom ruled by the council of six and is open to the horde as well. mages from both factions are welcome to study there

your character in an individual capacity goes to dalaran and gets to work with the SC. you participated in the purge. not the alliance. thats why varian is pissed and has no clue what happened until jaina fills him in. your character being friendly with a group in dalaran doesnt = an ‘established organization within the Alliance’ because theyre already established in dalaran within the kirin tor. thats why when they appear outside of dalaran its always with other kirin tor npcs and their leader. thats why they had to vote to get involved at theramore. because it would break neutrality otherwise vereesa never would have showed there

youve had 6 easter eggs over 17 years. and 2 interactions with the kirin tor. who are you trying to kid here. youve interacted with the SC as much as the horde has with the kirin tor

there is no separation. thats your own invention. ‘high elves’ live in and come and go from quel’thalas as they please. theres nothing that refutes it and the new customization for blood elves only reinforces it

they are and intentionally because they want access to the race without playing horde. only way it makes sense is if they misrepresent things and gaslight. you guys dont even need to make new characters and post bait like this anymore, didnt you see the news? lore doesnt matter anymore

Seriously, grow up. You’re not being Gaslighted because someone wants to play an Alliance alligned High elf.

In fact, you’re the one attempting (And failing) to gaslight people by insisting that it doesn’t make sense lorewise. High elves on the alliance has more lore to them than half the playable alliance races and have been there since Vanilla. You should know this if you RP on alliance as you claim.

This by the way is super catty and this kind of disrespectful attitude to the Lore and other players would get you kicked out of most roleplay guilds, Alliance or horde.


The Silver Covenant was founded within the Alliance with the express intention of keeping the Sunreavers and the Horde out of Dalaran. It’s an Alliance organization attempting to thwart a Horde grouping of elves. They are extremely partisan and pro-Alliance, that’s why they are automatically enemies to the Horde and contest them on anything elf related. It’s why they represent the Alliance at the Argent Tournament opposing the Sunreavers organizing the Horde’s side of it. It’s why they fight tooth and nail with the Sunreavers to be the ones to get Quel’delar in Icecrown.

The Purge was an Alliance attack on the Horde. Do you think Jaina somehow just renounced her loyalties to the Alliance and then grabbed some random group within the Kirin Tor to basically take over the Kirin Tor’s city and thrust out the other faction because they just felt like it?

It was an entirely Alliance act, that’s the point. It’s this funny little thing called a war.

Lodges dedicated to keeping in touch with fellow Alliance races in Classic such as Quel’danil Lodge, an entire questing hub in Outland, Allerian Stronghold, an entire sub-faction in Wrath with the Silver Covenant, and the Alliance’s entry into Zul’Aman in Cataclysm. Easter eggs, huh.

“When Grand Magister Rommath returned to Quel’Thalas to teach them Kael’s magic siphoning ways, some elves were disgusted by the practice — likening it to vampiric behavior — and opposed its use. Unable to lead a divided nation, Regent Lord Lor’themar exiled the dissenters from the kingdom, the exiles finding residence in Quel’Lithien”

That’s from Wowpedia, citing one of the short stories. No, it’s not my invention. It’s literally the entire premise of the Blood Elves’ divide with the High Elves and why the Silver Covenant and Sunreavers are enemies. High Elves do not live in Quel’thalas; it is, at best, implied that they have permission to pilgrimage to the Sunwell.

Can you cite where High Elves were never exiled and just live happily ever after in Quel’thalas? Or is that your own invention?

I don’t think you know what gaslighting means.


What do you guys not get ? We were and still are literally blood elfs


the sunreavers were already in dalaran with a member on the council and the SCs creation had nothing to do with the alliance, they were a reactionary measure vereesa took upon herself to protect dalaran after the blood elves were officially readmitted into the kirin tor

the purge was also a spur of the moment reaction to aethas rebuffing jaina asking him to leave a city he helped rebuilt. there was a quest preceding this where you follow anduin to recruit the kirin tor into the war. jaina denied him. after the purge she informs varian the kirin tor is alliance. none of those interactions would have had to have happened if dalaran, and by extension the SC, was always alliance

there is one lodge left. just because it is friendly to your character doesnt change the fact they are just salty isolationist elves. they arent going to fight for the alliance and leave. are you serious? if they were they wouldnt even be there

the citation IS the lodge elves. they call themselves ‘high elves’ and were living in and fighting for their homeland with the blood elves long after the racial rebranding it wasnt until rommath returned they were exiled. there is absolutely zero reason to assume there arent others, so high/blood elves have been most likely living together this entire time. by your own sides logic blue eyes can only come from high elves living among the blood elves. hell auric sunchasers last lore location is in quel’thalas and you still provided nothing to refute this

again your individual interactions with them doesnt make them alliance. as far as the tournament. lol. they dont rep the alliance, you do. theyre just helping tirion host the tournament and hand out rewards

“omg they hand out rewards at the argent tourney and i can interact with them when i go to dalaran in an individual capacity how can you deny they are an alliance organization”

and think about this ok. what country or kingdom in real or the game is going to allow a tiny militia to live within it and attack another kingdom or country they are completely neutral with, without rendering that neutrality a complete and utter joke

as well as the devs themselves in 2018 confirming the actual alliance elves are still just a couple scattered individuals assimilating into the cultures that host them and that they arent out there supporting the alliance like alleria and the void elves. dalaran is FAR more then a couple elves so they clearly dont consider it alliance territory or any elves that dwell within it. keep. dreaming

what in the absolute hell does quoting my disdain for casuals have to do with lore.

are you trying to paint me as the mean old bully as to dismiss points that have NOTHING to do with that other thread?

casuals even argue like casuals.

by this abhorrently dull logic, then Blood Elves are still Night Elves.

Then having these hair colors shouldn’t be a problem .

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Hmm no I think your point is mute since blizzard is giving us what we want without your permission .

Also why are you shouting at me ? Why are you people like this ? Cringe .


I agree with everything you’ve said, :ok_hand:t4::+1:t4:

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Of course they’ll revert it if the Horde demands it. :rofl:

Alliance don’t matter.

Thank you.

I’ve seen you in some of the Wildhammer threads back when they were up.

Heres hoping we maybe one day get to see those racials, heritage armor, mount, tabard and with some luck… druid class on there.

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