Remove natural velf options

To be fair here, they bent their stance for the Void Elves. They haven’t realized how disappointed people were about them and thought ignoring the High Elf-request would do something good in the long run.

Possibility #3:

Blizzard has said whatever we come up with as a background for our characters is canon for them. Thus if I wanted, I could declare this character to be Cairne’s old spymaster who blah blah blah whatever. However, while for my character that is canon, for the story of WoW as a whole, pretty much none of our characters exist. Thus we have options open to us in customization that may not make sense within the story as a whole.


well im glad you’re admitting this fact.

Yesterday you were arguing saying these kinds of things were still canonical within the lore of the game

growth is good

That isn’t how canon works, and that isn’t what their statements about the customization options were intended to convey. Try again.


personally I would prefer killing off all the high elves and void elves but we’re stuck with this mistake of a race.

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are you arguing for or against ‘natural’-looking void elves?

To get on the same page here, what do you think I’m advocating for?

Eh, can’t find it now but I swear I’ve seen a dev statement that part of the change to exile’s reach is to get rid of the idea of canon backgrounds and that they didn’t want to tell anyone that the story they have for their character isn’t right.

well what are you advocating for? You wanted blood elves with blue eyes despite what we discussed earlier so.

I think void elves should be void elves, and they should have stuck with their guns when they made the high elves blood elves and not kept dragging out some remnants left behind that refused to move on with their people.

After having waded into this mess a while back I don’t have much patience when people get the simple stuff wrong.


Remove natural options. Well, you see…



ill help you with the alliance ones only. no neutrals tho or im out

And so the insults continue.
Ut-bay it-ay urpriseth-say e-may ot-nay.

This I can understand, but as pertaineth to something as simple as hair colors and skin tones already in game, already availed to characters of the same model no less?
I am not quite inclined to so believe, or at least not so far as are, meseems, others.

This is the crux for me: I do not consider an addition that which ought already to have been there, rather I consider it overdue. I consider it thus because ren’dorei are but sin’dorei and quel’dorei afflicted by a particular magic, and as far as I can tell the only physical alteration sin’dorei suffered for relying upon the similarly corruptive fel magic prior to the Sunwell’s cleansing was green eyes.

I liken it to a chef whom setteth before me unfrosted cake, and whom, upon mine asking for restitution, doth but a meager dollop thereupon placeth. I will not deny 'tis frosted, but I also shan’t claim 'twas satisfactory nor what was asked.

This is all me playing the Devil’s advocate, though; I am not interested in playing an elf, personally I would have filled theyr position with something else - Sethrak mayhap, or Saurok, or what-have-you - for I believe there are enough elves at present, or otherwise taken the mercenary position and given the seeming masses the quel’dorei they so desperately desire. No doubt 'twould a pretty penny maketh.

On an entirely unrelated note, I thank thee for actually taking the time to respond as opposed to a certain someone I shan’t name. It is most appreciated.



but Blizz will cater to the ignorant masses who have no regard for lore so they can stand around in Goldshire on their level 28 void elf that looks like a high elf

All I did was return the favor. You insist on inserting yourself into this discussion by masking your language in a layer of obsfucation that adds nothing of worth. Much like pig latin it is easily understood, but the only purpose it serves is to get in the way of clarity. Maybe this will help.
since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
be brief.

Also, I wouldn’t say labeling rudeness as what it is an insult.

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indeed, it’s a waste of potential, even if that shouldn’t have happened in the first place.

That is not masked which readest thou canst, as thou hast previously intimated.

A mask does not have to completely hide what it is on, it just serves as an obsfucation of what it is on top of. Here rather than speak in language appropriate to the discussion you dig through an outdated thesaurus to find close approximation of the concepts being discussed and indulgent flourishs that add no worth to the words, they just slow down the conveyance of your point through language that does not fit with the discussion.

I somehow doubt you actually care about the lore.

And this is Implying what you’re saying is lore breaking in the first place (It isn’t)


Which I daresay is tame compared to thy complete dodging of points which understandest thou dost in favor of arguing vernacular.
Hast thou an actual counterpoint, or shall it be but more insults and “Karen”-like demands for me to submit to thine own preferred verbiage?

For the record, there is plenty of lore reason for High Elves to have more availability than Void Elves. Void Elves were basically a group of researchers, and all the new converts are colleagues coming to join in. They were maybe a couple dozen in number before finding Telogrus, and however much they’ve expanded is ambiguous.

At least the High Elves are a sizable chunk of the elven population that have been present since Classic up to the present day, with established organizations within the Alliance like the Silver Covenant that are even larger than the Void Elves. It’s not a disregard for lore to want to play High Elves over the significantly more obscure Void Elves.

What, stuck with their guns back in Warcraft 3? Because otherwise, ever since Classic, the High Elves have stuck around with a clear separation between the two peoples. They’ve been dragging out High Elves since the game started, apparently.

It’s not even some remnants, it was an entire chunk of a population that was exiled for not obeying the standards set by their government to acquire magic to survive. They’ve had a reason to not “move on” and even then they can’t just go back on a whim.

People aren’t getting “simple stuff wrong” for wanting to play that group of exiles, but that implies that people can see that Blood Elves are more than just hair and eye colors to be guarded jealously from the Alliance.