Remove natural velf options

After what, 1000 years of training and consumption of multiple void entities larger than her own head? That’s still special unique backstory too.

and that’s all it is is an implication. You don’t have anything confirming that this is happening, just visual options. Blizzard has said you can make up your backstory and they won’t stop you, but that doesn’t go farther than your own character.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Let me guess, people also says it´s located in the “Unknown regions”, yes?

Most surely, Blizz narratively wise isn´t particularly caring for keeping any semblance of coherence.

And they do like to bait Belf lore fans with stuff like this of Vaaleras or Belf spies for Alliance and other similar bunch of stuff.

Not sure, I think they mistake us with these guys


Lul, the actual hilarious thing about that comparison is that if the High elf implementation would had indeed depended on the “Belf fans”, the race sans Veeresa and her minions would had probably become reabsorbed into Belf society in WotLK, when racial tensions were less strong between the two races.

Oh, and Dalaran would had been the city blown to dust in BfA, not Darnassus. If only to get a real chance to develop a magical capitol for the Horde and it´s races instead of us being forced to use the Alliance´s toys.

And they need everything but human-looking races…
The line-up is bland and it’s Blizzard’s fault not giving them more fantasy races. The Kul Tiran could have been simply an update for the humans.

You’ve effectively strengthened my position, with this one, friend.

If it’s true that Alleria Windrunner employed the energies of the Void for centuries, and intermittently “[consumed] multiple Void entities” throughout that period, and yet she has managed to avoid experiencing any discernible physiological alterations… then it stands to reason that someone under her tutelage, with much less exposure to the energies of the Void, would have very little problem maintaining their natural appearances.

What’s more likely?

  • That the Void Elves who were completely suffused with the Void, alongside Magister Umbric, somehow managed to reverse the physiological affects they experienced…

  • That the Blood Elves and High Elves who are actively studying in Telogrus Rift, are being integrated into the cultural fold of the Void Elves…

Look, guys, I’m going to be real. I do not care about High Elves.

Don’t care, do not give a damn. I do not plan to have a Void Elf, I do not plan to add to the mountains of alts that haunt my every moment in game. People have been playing ‘high elves’ on my server for years, they used that Orb of the Sin’dorei, they used human proxy models. Hell, over a decade ago there was one guy who managed to keep his Alliance tabard when he faction changed to blood elf, and he would run around as an Alliance High Elf.

But Blizzard adding more stuff, more options, to Void Elves is good. Because more options are good, and no options are bad. If you’re at a party with cake, and you get a slice, and another person gets a slice, and then that person gets a second slice, you don’t stamp your foot and say you don’t want anyone to have more cake than you. You say ‘gee, I want more cake!’ because there’s obviously enough cake for everyone, and now that the host has seen people like the cake they’re more likely to hand more slices out. That’s the logical mindset.

Unless you’re like, four years old, or something.

More options for everyone, even if they’re not a race I play, or even like all that much, is good because it opens the door for more stuff for everyone.


a generic thalassian elf trying to consume a dark naaru without allerias training, probably would not survive the experiment. thats just my personal opinion but i doubt they would be able to perform such a feat and come out safely

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But she did it in a controlled manner as opposed to void elves who were trapped into a botched void ritual. Seems that the void elves that aren’t Alleria probably got hit with a lot more a lot faster.

That Blizzard has put options in that aren’t necessarily canon but won’t stop players from using that. Like non-light using blood elves, story-wise they’re just for people with a strong connection to the light, but won’t stop warlocks from using them. We’ll have to see if Blizz makes a copy cat void elf, or if story wise they’ll all be considered to have at least some sign of the void.

But it isn’t.

They have not added any new options to void elves that were not already available in game, and that has most likely shut the door on further void options. Because there is only so much more stuff one race will get over all the others, and Void elves are already pushing it. So while there are more choices for a void elf, it ends up with less variety as a whole.


I want to say that mindset is incredibly pedantic and doesn’t justify taking away the now planned options, but this is the WoW forums I guess.


The problem is that this is taking away from the void theme by eating up customization spots that could be used for new stuff. There’s not an unlimited amount that will get doled out with the way this game works. So from the other side all this requesting copies of stuff is rejecting actual new options that would bring new aesthetics to the game. It’s all a mirror. high elf stuff on alliance takes the place of voidy stuff in void elves. And the reverse.


This only tracks, logically, if you’re of the opinion that all player character Void Elves are exclusively those that were forcibly altered alongside Umbric – which requires that you deny all implication to the contrary, provided by Blizzard themselves. :man_shrugging:

As far as I’m aware, there isn’t a single instance whereby a customization option exists that isn’t canonically corroborated. You’re conflating “Warlocks with Light-infused eyes don’t make sense”, with “Light-infused eyes make sense, canonically”.

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That’s all we’ve seen yet.

I’m just saying that not all combinations make sense canonically, but nothing stops us from being able to use them. It just remains to be seen what the story will see a void elf as, whether it will contain a completely untouched thing, or if story characters will stick with having at least some void options in them, but that it’d be a bad thing if Blizz put in more cosmetic options that only work with certain other options.

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Unless thou’rt able to an actual limit profferest, or the existence thereof provest beyond doubt, existeth such a limit doth not beyond the confines of thine own mind.

Only if one presumeth ill of theyr opposition.
Only if thy debate stratagem is as pestilent as 'tis petulant.

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I-ay old-tay ou-yay efore-bay, op-stay ith-way e-thay udeness-ray or-ay eep-kay alking-way en-whay ou-yay ee-say e-may.


Customization will always be limited to a few options because Blizzard doesn’t have infinite resources to pour into customizations. That’s just simple logic at work. Especially on an allied race, there customization is purposefully pretty low. It’s quite hard to ask blizzard for even more stuff when in their eyes they’ve already given void elves plenty.


Tarrok are you still choosing to ignore lore and twist vague admittances by the Devs just to push for more customization options?

come on now pal. Bad Tarrok.

Dont be cheeky Tarrok.

my current tin foil hat is that they will cut a raid tier this expac so customization is back on the table for a minute before focusing on next expansion

There are only two possibilities, because Blizzard doesn’t add customization options that aren’t narratively justified:

Possibility #1:

All player character Void Elves were among those forcibly exposed to the Void alongside Magister Umbric… and at some point after those events, they learned how to shirk virtually all of the physiological affects that ailed them (again, because Blizzard doesn’t add customization options that aren’t narratively justified).

Possibility #2:

Some of the player character Void Elves were among those forcibly exposed to the Void alongside Magister Umbric, and some of the player character Void Elves were conscripted from the High Elf Wayfarers and/or Blood Elf Scholars in Telogrus Rift (again, because Blizzard doesn’t add customization options that aren’t narratively justified).

The discussion isn’t about whether it’s possible for customization options to be used in canonically inappropriate ways… you’re effectively suggesting that Blizzard has implemented natural skin and eye color customization options for Void Elves that “aren’t canon”.

Notwithstanding the fact that Blizzard hasn’t ever done this with any race, ever, there are numerous implicit and explicit implications (both in-game and out) suggesting that Possibility #2 above is the reality. :man_shrugging:

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The other issue is if you keep giving to VEs over and over, you end up making players who play every other race angry, and BE players furious. After this round of customization for the VEs, I’d be surprised if they get anything more for quite some time. And for fans of the Void aesthetic it kinda sucks. For those who like the HE aesthetic it’s a huge win, depending on what actual hair colors they get. I’m still convinced Blizz is going to monkey paw this some how.