Remove natural velf options


Yeah that was super awkward to read.

We’ll see. Calia had a lot of potential, but it is what it is.

please. you have to elaborate on this for us. how does the existing narrative justify it

Alleria Windrunner is a wonderful citation, in this case… but the NPC’s on Telogrus Rift are also justification (particularly when considered alongside the existing “natural” options for Void Elves).


Special character with a unique model like most racial leaders are who don’t share customizations with their race.

are currently just elves studying the void not void elves.

Is this a Wyrmrest Accord thing? I feel like this is a Wyrmrest Accord thing…

Honestly I think the solution is for these people to try and explain their debates spanning multiple Discords to someone who doesn’t really know WoW. Out loud.

Maybe when the light dies in that person’s eyes as they listen, some of these folks will get their answer.

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yea we all knew the answer they would give. disappointed

Yes and what kind of elves are those again?

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/puts her arm on your shoulders

As a fellow SF dweller, let le give you a Fun Fact: they consider US the SF people the “weirdos”.

I´m passionate about Belf lore but I certainly never found the appeal of participating in Discord groups (heck, Anya always has to “motivate” me to go and say Hi in the SF Discord once every other year) nor much less in involving myself in the very much irl drama that seems to originate in those places. I know our threads are “rough”, but SF at least the 2 (or was it 3? :thinking:) times I have visited seemed like the chilliest place ever.

Eh, there’s a really hardcore group in the high elf group, they’re probably in their discord but not supported by them who get touchy and flag people when they’re in a bad mood, and that was going on a bit last night. To explain why that person had that thought in their mind.


I honestly don’t know. This has been an on going catfest since Legion. Don’t think it’s strictly WRA. It was a lot of GD drama llama and antagonizing one another. Now everyone seems to be in a perma state of faux victimhood and hostility.

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High elves and blood elves

Elves are basically brain poison

And a l l of those npcs are flagged as Alliance, including the Sin’dorei Scholars. For all we know there could be Sin’dorei walking around Stormwind now, living a regular life like all the other thalassian elves in the Alliance. There’s no way they’d be allowed to study what the Void Elves know and then be let back in Silvermoon(the same place that exiled the VEs for studying the exact same magics).

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I’ve been offered a link to the SF discord multiple times and while I was flattered I’m pretty sure more exposure to WoW lore debates would have me die of hypertension within a month.

Don’t give me that, they’re only High Elves because Blood Elves have been banned from exploring the Void deeply, that was the entire point of the damn chain that saw the Void Elves get plunked onto the Alliance.

I have a stupid amount of otherwise useless information in my head and most of it is WoW lore. I remember this stuff.

Edit: For the sake of the hair splitters I’ll state that if a blood elf is there, they’re clearly those who have defected because, again, the whole chain made a point of that.

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Shush, hairy floor bump. Someone STILL salty over the state of Lordaeron since the very launch of Vanilla has no right to criticize nor much less any proverbial Moral Highground to try and “educate” others over their preferences (and your prejudiced against players for their preferences maybe something you may like to hide better dear… it´s so 1990).

Believe me, in that place people discuss EVERYTHING but actual lore. Is more like a massive catharsis echo chamber we use to criticize the 10th rate narratives Blizz deliver with each new patch.

We just figured if we were going to be accused of having a super secret evil discord lair from which to rule the forums with an iron fist, that we should probably make one. Mainly use it for chatting, and we’ve got a nice little set of handy links to sources.

Have they taken back their respect to their fallen, you know the only thing that separates a blood elf from a high elf?


Gee, I don’t know, I’ll ask them.


Excuse me for being not as precise as you want, but there are the High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars, elves coming from both sides, and the Scholars seem to be generally referred to as blood elves. But still, the point is that none of them are void elves yet.


This is an interesting non-argument, since the point I made was that there were narrative justficiations for natural-looking Void Elves – it’s simply a fact that Alleria Windrunner is the most powerful Void Elf character, and it’s simply a fact that she wields this power without any discernible physiological alterations.

The implication being that it’s entirely possible for an individual to channel an absurd level of Void-based energy, without experiencing any physiological changes.

The existence of natural-looking customization options, at this very moment, implies that this isn’t the case… you’re certainly entitled to cover your ears and “LALALALALA!” with regards to this subject, refusing to accept a reality until it’s explicitly stated, but it’ll be an egregious waste of energy on your part.