Remove natural velf options

Don’t see how non-void void elves not representing their void thing isn’t a fact? And maybe ego, but reacting to the vast array of options the void opens by demanding to be able to look like a blood elf, don’t think it’s really an opinion to label that unimaginative.

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Is that poster raging STILL?!?

It has been like 3 days ffs… don´t they have jobs to attend or something?

The funny thing is, they only remember to to put the “Void touch” when in places that don´t make terrible sense.

Maybe we need to start asking for idk… “Arcane Demon Hunters” or something similar. Or literall undead Druids, Forsaken can get some love and I bet you guys a travel form similar to “Stinky” will get the attention of several players (heck I would totes play it for the chance to use an Abomination-esque dog skin).

Man, the devs totes dropped the ball there. It would hab been infinitely better for us had they stayed quiet regading the reason why some Belves can sport blue/purple eyes (before Ion opened his mouth, the people could at least pretend this was merely the result of their toons gorging themselves out on Arcane once again. The moment they said “but the Helves in Belf society” it ruined these customization options for me -I despise Helf NPCs because of they way they have been portrayed in the story, ergo can´t deal with my toons forcibly getting the “only available because if they have this eye color this means they were former Helves or GTFO” explanation. Too narrowmided imho-.


I’m not in favor of removing what they’ve already gotten, but I’ve always been an advocate of more void options

Void scars
Void corrupted arms/legs
Void tentacle jewelery
Void eyes (like the void gems in the heritage armor)
Maybe claws on the hands?

Lots of possibilities


I just worry about their future because I don’t think they’ll want void elves to be head and shoulders above everyone else in options that they’re going to skimp on the void stuff because of all the boring stuff they keep padding them with.


Idk, sounds perfect for the Alliance.

I don’t know about “they”, but personally, what I want is the hair (from non blood elf sources), and then a bit of lore showing where new void elves are coming from and hopefully confirming that some of the new recruits are, as seems plausible, Alliance aligned high elves.

I mean, I’m always going to WANT more customizations.


Gods and they’re doing again here in SLs to Forsaken! Somehow they’re not involved at all and its like… HOW?

I can’t remember who pointed that out to me but since then I haven’t been able to forget it.

Old gods don’t get me started on Elune.

Even in the best scenario she comes off as an idiot who didn’t understand her followers much less what was going on when she chose to let them be doomed.

And like what was the point of the Night Warrior story!? To tell us “oh too bad your home was destroyed and your people tortured for awhile go hug a tree again”?

Oi… like I said I wanted to see our fangs again… I had hopes. Like I didn’t want to attack and destroy Orgimmar like some do but I thought we’d go a bit darker… a bit harsher…

It hurts.

I’ve too many friends affected much less my own annoyances with the whole thing. Don’t care what side one is on in this whole pro anti debate… Blood Elves got shafted in customizations.

They were treated as though they’re only interesting facet is the jewelry. They deserve so much more.

My friends definitely deserve more.

YES! This!

Not only that they’ve found their niche in the Horde so well. They feel like they belong there and that is an amazing thing for elves.


I hope Blizzard sees that and continues to push that narrative. They’ve faltered here and there, but I think they can still get there so long as we make noise about it.

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Nah, let´s be real and honest in here: they may get screwed up on additional Void options NOT because “more people” -the forums are but a laughable metric to realistically infer these kind of questions for the actual complete bulk of the playerbase; most people don´t even care how their toons look or if their eye color matches their tmog- ask for bland copy/pasted stuff, but because bloand copy / pasted stuff is easier and cheaper to implement.

Same reason Belves and most races sans Nelves and Orcs (and these two have their own issues in regards to customizations) got actually a quite mediocre customization pass: cause GOOD customizations cost resources (developer time, engine, etc.), and it was more important to cube crawl while drunk than you know…working in working hours.

Giving Velves the Belf visual asets if the lowest hanging fruit ever… heck giving Belves “Dark Rangers” IS exactly the same. Guess which “unique” customization Belves will end up getting IF the devs deem their busy times worthy of this effort?

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I didn’t once suppose that Void Elves and Blood Elves were equally suffused, by their respective magic types – just musing that it is asinine to suggest that any customization which isn’t directly related to the “core” aesthetic of a given race is somehow lazy or inherently bad.

The reality is that it makes all the sense in the world that Void Elves, and particularly those introduced to the powers of the Void after the events that originated their sub-race, would do anything/everything in their power to mitigate against the physiological affects of the Void… ergo, “natural-looking”.

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Idk how you guys manage to stay awake while playing on that faction. I´ve tried several times and I always end up deleting the toons cause I never feel motivated to well… play with them.

:sweat: :sweat:

That may had been myself… omg, sorry.

One really wonders with this story team if it´s less bad to get attention or to NOT get attention.

Personally, I believe that anything that isn´t a narrative circling Blanduin and Sylvanas like the Miller planet gets screwed up when it gets touched by the devs.

Everybody got shafted, even S-Tier races like Nelf (cause why can´t their females use tattoos, excuse me? Or their males the jewerly? And please give those poor male fellas some faces that don´t look like males going on 50 and counting…)

Oh no argument there, but I also feel they’d skip on even the easier new void stuff because the race has already received so much it wouldn’t be fair.

What, the race is Void elves, they are elves that are almost one with the void, it’s their one special thing that sets them apart. Making them plain elves would be like taking blood elves and cutting out the wow story and pasting in some generic tolkien rip off, it’s a waste of potential.


I’m just a Draenei fan. The Alliance could burn tomorrow and I wouldn’t be effected. I’m waiting in anticipation for it all to just end one day.

Well, you make a good point.

Funny, where have I seen this? and from who?

Heck, the poster child for “MUH Lurdaeron I refuse to see lost even while it launched as a Horde territory in Vanilla” literally came into this thread to try and school “kids” in “letting go and moving on”.

In retrospective you and I both -considering we see him in SF- should save that quote. Just as an emergency case.

Gal, the only reason I DON´T support erasing the factions is because I´m 200% sure the devs -in their infinite laziness- would quadruple down on Human Potential and making our toons nothing but the babysitter of the handful of Self inserts they keep at the center of the story.

Girl what are you talkin’ about? Calia is right there. It’s too late for the Horde.

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Don’t apologize! I place the blame for this squarely on blizzard!

Also I started writing a story around it and honestly its helping me get back into writing so.


After BfA and what we’ve got of SLs so far… I just want them to leave Night Elves alone. We’re tired.

Old Gods yes.

They need parity between all races… Some things should just be universally done. Scars, tattoos, for both body and face. Jewelry options for all races. Things like ear length for everyone who has long ears. Tail lengths for those who have those.

Thats not even getting into expanding the various themes of specific races…

There is so much to do.

I have a fear that is part of the reason we don’t have new void based options. :frowning:

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We have Alliance-aligned Sin’dorei, High Elves and Alleria in Telegrus Rift; it should be perfectly reasonable to ask for normal looking thalassians, and Blizzard obviously agrees with this. Even if we ignore WoW’s lore from vanilla to now, we still have heaps of representation for uncorrupted thalassian elves in just that one spot alone, lel


There isn’t any “would be like” in this instance.

The existing narrative already justifies “plain” Void Elves, and the available customization options is congruent with said justification. That you’re disappointed by this reality, doesn’t change the fact that it is the reality.

(Note: This doesn’t mean I disagree with your suggestion that Void Elves be given more Void-based customization options, because I think that’d be ideal – but I definitely disagree that going in other directions is inherently a poor decision.)



The only thing I’ve seen for it trotted out is a dev saying absolutely nothing but maybe.

So what I’m getting is that there’s a whole community, Discords included, of people who are for or against High Elves being given to the Alliance in even a cursory form, and it’s enough that some people are given specific labels as to their standing?

Is this why I was accused by the other guy of being part of some sort of cabal plotting against him and his blood elf customization stuff? Is this the point we’re at? I’m almost impressed.

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NOT too late, I suspect out massive temper tantrum AT LEAST delayed her implementation as “racial leader” -I mean she suddenly and suspiciously became a non entity in the story even while the devs implied she was gonna be OH so important!!!.. right now, she´s as relevant as Baine, go figures-.

So sad only temper tantrum is the language the devs seem to understand in this place.

Glad to be of help :grin:

THIS. Nothing else needs to be said, congrats Fen you won the thread!!! :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball:

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