Remove natural velf options

Let them get this out of the system until they are satisfied. Do you actually understand how much resentment can be build up for being x (race, sexuality)? In game-terms, people are so fed up being suppressed for what they want to see in the game that it’s actually pretty understandable when people finally vent out for being not respected in the first place.

Let the one player vent, he properly feels finally can get it back to all the Blood Elf players who harassed him here on the forums. We wouldn’t have such conversations if people actually would support each other instead trying to throw obstacles in their way. It’s human nature, being egoistical and prideful.

I do not think the Horde really lost anything at all. The elves were also part of the Alliance-lore which is why I think this change is absolutely acceptable. We’re not talking about Orcs or Trolls here which would be a sacrilege.


Hmm yes that’s definitely what’s happening here


But they’re the jerks who do the harassment. And they get repeatedly rewarded for it.

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Except they haven’t said “FU” to you. This is only wishful thinking on your part. Ely stated the reason why these customisations are given is to allow both Alliance and Horde players to pick there fantasy and chose the path on what they want to play as, whether it is a Blood Elf or High Elf on Horde, or Void Elf or High Elf on Alliance.

In the end, you’re acting like your a victim to a decision in something that doesn’t even effect you at all. After all, it is a game.


No, it’s the Blood Elf circle group who have a discord server where they link topics and postings which should be either bombed or highly <3 so to show dominance regarding the High Elf request.

And the Alliance did not get “rewarded” all the time. Have you forgotten about the first warfront where the Horde could also play it without any restriction? And in their second week, we farmed a lot of gear while the next time the Alliance had some restrictions placed on them, right before the first raid?

The Horde is favored by the developers on so many levels that we really do not need to discuss this. Honoring the High Elf requests are the first good will I have seen in the past year while still not addressing the faction imbalance and why the Dwarf-racial had to be nerfed right before the last raid started while the Horde-racials were dominant and got only changed after the raid was out for months.


Well that’s just a lie. And seriously, have you heard about what the helfer discord gets up to?

Stick to one topic, was talking about rewarding the high elf request.

YAWN you’re one of those posters.

Excuse me they have too been rewarded BFA was great example at how they cried over the voldum invasion. Were not evil!..give it a rest.

Yes they have there is no longer any difference between blood elves and void elves you got a copy and paste job and we get Screwed over it.

Yeah every expansion the horde is made to literately look like :poop: and when we asked for a expansion where our leaders are not nut cases they double down and did it many more times. Let the alliance loose over 3/4 of there leaders like we have.

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Oh whinge so much, don’t you. “Blizzard catered to the Alliance because they can finally now be a full High Elf without having to roll muh Horde”…



How do those options hurt you? In what way are you personally inconvenienced and harmed by how someone else customizes their character?

You aren’t hurt by this, let people do what they find fun.


How do you know it’s a lie? Are you part of the discord group?

Then feel free to list all the “rewards” you had in mind.

This isn’t a good answer. You know that there are videos out there which actually proof my point to some degree, yes? We are the superior faction and if you truly care about the game and faction conflict, then you will help the Alliance. The current sentiment stems from lack of care and why everyone wants to end the faction conflict. And BfA, of course.

Can you get into detail what you exactly mean? The Vulpera or Sethraks?

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cause their leader can change from high-elf look to void-elf look. makes sense they could do the same.


The invasion quest since the alliance didn’t like the name of the NPC they cried over it till blizzard changed the name.

I still don’t understand you. I thought you initially talked about the Orc/Vulpera-missions which aren’t shown on both sides or how the Alliance helped the Sethraks and also want them as a playable race.

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Yep. And we started it because of people like you spreading the lie that we were organized to do that stuff. I’m assuming it’s because it goes on in their discord they think everyone else does it. Right now we’re discussing d100s and 3d printers.

Void Elves.
Skin tones for void elves
hair colors for void elves.

I don’t bother with BS like horde bias. Alliance has better racials in general from what I’ve heard from the people who do the content, and from results like the M+ tournaments. Alliance has a social problem with the playerbase of the game that needs to be fixed. And the story is massively alliance based.

I think they’re referring to the removal of the extermination squads from the alliance side.

OP doesn’t have the airtight argument he thinks he does. Maghar and HM are on the same faction as their counterparts so there’s really no conflict with those.

Look at it this way, give alliance what they want and every blood elf that is only in the horde for the one race can…leave?


no the INVASION quests since the Alliance NPC’s were called etermination squads or something close to that. there was a huge out cry over that. Yet horde players are shown as vicious killer and mass murders for every expansion. the only nut case the alliance have is that wacko night elf female every horde leader is either a simp or killed off to make the alliance happy.

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Oh, I see. To verify my claims, I just quoted something I read on MMO-champion and reddit. And given how vile some of you are in the High Elf topics, it’s not hard to see why people are spreading this about the discord channel.

Makes actually no sense.

There is bit more to it and I might can help you out here. The reason the recent Alliance-races have stronger racials is because an answer to the Horde-racials, namely Orc, Troll and formerly Blood Elves. The perception of the Alliance is damaged because of the Horde-players being the developer’s pet and due this the feedback loop caused immense damage during BfA which resulted in WM being dominated by Horde.

The story is only Alliance-based when it’s about the cosmic stuff. Do you actually know that the warfront victories are hidden and not easily accessible for the Alliance? They went out their way to hid it from the player base. Besides that, one of their races got almost wiped out in a genocide.

I don’t remember this at all. Are there any news to this?

And I’m actually in the same boat as the Alliance-players. The Horde is and should be represented as the vicious killers they are to some degree. I just started to make a Belf Paladin today and I still cringe over the Expedition dialogues and how “honorable” we are.

And before anyone’s asking: I make a new Belf-character so I can switch my Belf hunter over to the Alliance, making him a High Elf (next to my two Void Elves).


OMG !! Finally high elves options :heart::heart::heart: Thank you!
Don’t worry be happy !


your so blind both factions are suppose to be grey yet now it’s Horde always bad alliance always good and it use NOT to be that way for a long time, till recently. starting with Cat and getting worse as it went along.

As for the extermination squad there were threads daily over it in the old forum about how it ruins the alliance wholesomeness BS.

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